Star trek online biography show fps

  • I was wondering how many of you have written bios for your character and bridge officers?
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  • Resolved an issue where Gravimetric Rifts were causing excessive FPS drops.
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    Superior At once Transmission: 78922S-12

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    From: Fleet Admiral Hannibal Sculpturer, Chief slate Fleet Act, The Superiors; Star Development Online Fleet

    To: Star Development Online Vapor Community

    Subject: UltimateDoomer1's Complete Manual to Practice Trek Online

    Classification: N/A

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    Along with the now-broken “odd Star Trek movies suck, even ones are classic” trope, there’s the well-worn “space combat in Star Trek Online is pretty groovy, but the ground combat is the pits.”

    It’s an accusation that had more credibility in the earlier days of STO, to be sure.  It wasn’t that engaging and — I recall with vivid clarity — the fights would go on and on and on as if both sides were attempting to subdue each other with vigorous slaps of wet noodles.  But somewhere along the way, the ground game improved.  Fights got shorter and more dynamic, a pseudo-FPS option was presented, and the NPCs got… well, less buggy and glitchy than before.  On top of that, I can think of six important testimonies that can be said in favor of STO’s ground game, so here we go!

    1. Solo squad combat is a rarity in MMOs

    Getting to command an entire NPC team into battle isn’t something that you see a lot of in MMOs.  Atlantica Online, Guild Wars 1 (with heroes), and… I’m sure there must be one or two more examples, but my point is that they aren’t terribly frequent.  And yet it’s not only fun to have a whole team at your back, but it shares a strong common link to single-player RPGs, where

    Note: Please see the talk page for suggested changes for this page.

    Modifiers are found on a variety of Uncommon, Rare, Very Rare, Ultra Rare, and Epic items, such as weapons, armor, engines, deflectors, and shields. The greater the rarity, the more modifiers (uncommon 1 mod, rare 2 mods, very rare 3 mods, ultra rare 4 mods and epic 5 mods). The same modifiers may appear multiple times (e.g. [Acc]x2, [Cap]x3, etc.).

    Existing modifiers on items can be re-rolled through re-engineering.

    The modifiers that exist on each type of item are given below:

    Ship Beams[CrtD][CrtH][Acc][Dmg][Snare][Thrust][Pen][Over][Arc]
    Ship Cannons[CrtD][CrtH][Acc][Dmg][Snare][Thrust][Pen][Rapid][CrtX][Arc]
    Ship Torpedos[CrtD][CrtH][Acc][Dmg][Snare][Thrust][Pen][Spr][Arc]
    Ship Mines[CrtD][CrtH][Dmg][Snare][Thrust][Pen]

    Below is a list of modifiers and their description:

    [AMP]Damage BuffPlus +3.3% all damage for each sub system over 75
    [Acc]Extra Accuracy+10% Accuracy
    [Arc]Wider Firing Arc+90° Firing Arc on torpedoes and wide arc cannons, +110° Firing Arc on single beams, +360° Firing Arc on omni-directional beams
  • star trek online biography show fps