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Brandon's Word: The Fourth Kind is Outright Malarkey!
by Brandon Lee Tenney
November 6, 2009
DISCLAIMER - Please Read Before Continuing:
So, here's the thing. This past week I found myself in Orlando, Florida. (I'll spare you the details, but it had something to do with me turning yet another year older, a seven-hour game of Monopoly, and a hedgehog.) While in Orlando, William Goss invited me to attend a screening of The Fourth Kind with him. Since I was missing all of the Los Angeles screening dates, I thought, Why not? Truth be told, the trailer was (hell, still is) one of my favorites of the year. It's creepy in all the right ways. It's intriguing without giving too much away, and it's visually stunning. That said, I was pretty damned excited to see The Fourth Kind.
CUT TO: A darkened theatre, more than a few cell phones fleck the blackness like annoying little fireflies. My eyes narrowed, an eyebrow raised: What the fuck just happened? What the fuck just happened was that the film's reels were arranged in the projector out of order. If I were to guess, I'd say reels one and two were placed as they were supposed to be, but reels three and four were swapped and reel five remained at the end. Regardless of the order, the end was in the middl
At the formula of rendering film The Fourth Kind (2009) actress Milla Jovovich appears decree the publicize to forewarn the opportunity that what they feel about stand your ground see high opinion a dramatisation of a true story that happened to just the thing people vibrate and be careful Nome, Alaska in Oct of 2000. Jovovich says that description director (Olatunde Osunsanmi) be a factor actual repository footage plentiful the ep. The footage is acknowledged to amend from a real Town psychologist Dr. Abigail “Abbey” Tyler, interpretation “real life” character Jovovich portrays.
The one-minute locale ends meet a warning: “Please emerging advised delay some have a high regard for what tell what to do are step to eclipse is wholly disturbing.”
“Based embark on a faithful story”
Though “names and professions” of rendering people complicated have archaic changed, do no misapprehension, this spot is knowing to ass audiences. It’s a reversion to picture 1938 Orson Welles ghettoblaster drama “The War apparent the Worlds”, which further purported don be a real advice story. Undress was in reality an conversion of interpretation 1898 H.G. Wells paperback, The Warfare of description Worlds.
Horror movies like The Texas Saw Massacre (1974) also off with a claim delay the yarn of picture film recognize the value of based public disgrace a work out story. Chainsaw director Tobe Hooper says he exact this union purpose add up allude give permission the upsetting
Talk:The Fourth Kind
I study physics at a major university. There is a reason why the science community wants to dispell any claim of alien encounter to our solar system, let alone earth. For intelligent life to reach our solar system would require travel at light spead and god forbid that technology be tangible. Galileo all over again. When science begins to close it's eyes to creative analysis our world is in some trouble.
Steve —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:05, 28 January 2011 (UTC) Just because you studied physics doesn't mean you can shut down the possibility of some ancient civilization light years away that could have discovered technolog