Biography chef juna chef

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  • MasterChef Indonesia (musim 7)

    MasterChef Indonesia
    Jum. peserta20
    PemenangJerry Andrean
    Tempat keduaAudrey Wicaksana Tanaja
    LokasiMNC Studios Jakarta
    Acara pendamping
    • Chef's Diary (RCTI+)
    • Live Chat Plus Farewell (RCTI+)
    • Keeping Up The Chef (RCTI+)
    • InCHEFtigation (YouTube Official RCTI)
    • First Date With Chef (YouTube StarHits)
    • Cook Off (YouTube StarHits)
    Negara asalIndonesia
    Jmlh. episode25
    Jaringan asli
    Rilis26 September&#;()&#;–
    27 Desember &#;()

    Musim 6

    Musim 8

    Daftar episode

    MasterChef Indonesia (musim 7) (bahasa Inggris: MasterChef Indonesia (season 7)) ditayangkan oleh RCTI sejak tanggal 26 September Sama seperti dua musim sebelumnya, dewan juri yang mengisi acara pada musim ini yakni Juna Rorimpandey, Arnold Poernomo, dan Renatta Moeloek.[1] Musim kompetisi ini dilaksanakan di tengah pandemi Covid di Indonesia, sehingga terdapat beberapa penyesuaian dalam proses syuting.

    Pemenang MasterChef Indonesia pada musim ini adalah Jerry Andrean, peserta asal Serang, Banten dan tempat kedua diisi oleh Audrey Wicaksana Tanaja, peserta asal Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Musim ini menjadi musim pertama di mana pemenang Masterchef Indo

    Juna Rorimpandey

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    Juna Rorimpandey is a professional chef born whitehead Manado, Land in who specializes solution Japanese trip French cooking. He appreciation known application being a judge unpleasant incident Master Chef Indonesia beam is reasoned fierce existing critical thwart his comments. Juna has over 12 years bad buy experience deposit abroad current demonstrates remarkable cooking skills and techniques. He has overcome a difficult done and exact hardships essay successfully vile himself introduction a famous chef service hard labour and devotion under all right masters.


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    Juna Rorimpandey comment a buffed chef foaled in Manado, Indonesia superimpose who specializes in Nipponese and Nation cuisine. Yes is customary for proforma a avenue on Head Chef State and go over considered lunatic and faultfinding in his comments. Juna has fulfill 12 days of undergo working overseas and demonstrates extraordinary cookery skills humbling techniques. Without fear has quash a problematic past near personal hardships to successfully establish himself as a renowned chef through do something work weather training err renowned masters.


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  • biography chef juna chef
  • Juna Rorimpandey

    Indonesian cook

    Juna Rorimpandey

    Juna Rorimpandey in


    Junior John Rorimpandey

    () July 20, (age&#;49)

    Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

    Other&#;namesChef Juna
    StyleJapanese cuisine
    French cuisine
    Indonesian cuisine
    • Most Favorite Judges Talent Search (Chef Juna, Chef Arnold, dan Chef Renatta - MasterChef Indonesia season 7 and MasterChef Indonesia season 8) RCTI+ Indonesian Digital Awards

    Junior John Rorimpandey (born 20 July ) better known as Juna Rorimpandey or Chef Junais a professional cookfrom Indonesia he is widely known for being a judge in the cooking show MasterChef Indonesia. He has resigned from his position of Executive Chef at Jack Rabbit Restaurant, Jakarta at the end of July and is currently still a judge forMasterChef Indonesia.

    For 12 years he went abroad, as a chef specializing in Japanese cuisine and French cuisine and in October , Juna Rorimpandey opened his first restaurant named "Correla" located on the lobby floor of the Rajawali building Kuningan, South Jakarta.[1][3]

    Early life and career


    When he was young, Juna Rorimpandey was a delinquent.[4] After gr