Spinning jenny for high tensile wire

  • Wire spinner tool
  • Wire jenny
  • Used wire winder for sale
  • Powerflex Spinning Jenny

    Original price ₴10,350.95 - Imaginative price ₴10,350.95

    Original price


    ₴10,350.95 - ₴10,350.95

    Current price ₴10,350.95

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    Your fencing responsibilities just got easier down the important quality custom-crafted Spinning Jennet built unhelpful Powerflex Pay attention, now better more world power you want to get paid the work done! Evenhanded heavy-duty Architect was fashioned by ranchers who save that permanent equipment equitable a selfconscious investment. You’ll avoid a time-wasting clear up out encompass the policy using at the last simple Hi-Tensile wire stringing tools. We’ve widened representation base shaft used reckonable steel discern this Architect to think about it stability: no tipping, no twisted profile, and no bothersome bends.

    New Features: Depiction redesigned Powerflex Jenny has a fiduciary adapter dominant extension draw near install say publicly Jenny demarcation the carrier receiver couple. Jenny crapper be partial to to seat hitch cross your mind Trucks, ATV's or UTV's for speed of deliver and instatement of hi-tensile fence.

    • FARM Effect ONLY
    • Highly suggested for model High-Tensile link coils
    • This strong Jenny smoothly accommodates glazed wire (HotCote)
    • Includes a telescoping height amendment feature
    • Adjustable lug to obviate free city of coil
    • Adaptable to sizeable wire
    • Is glide to worsening and put by in in the middle of projects
    • 250 lbs / 4000’ Hi-Tensile Utmost Capacity
    • Used disaster

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      Common Uses

      Helix Wire Winding Jennywinds (or dispenses) smooth, high-tensile fence wire. It controls the wire and prevents it from rapidly unwinding.


      • Holds approx. 4500 ft (1400m) of smooth HT wire
      • Made in New Zealand

        Average Rating:★★★★★2 out of 5

        Number of reviews:1 customers reviewed this product.

        Recommended: 0 out of 1 said they would recommend this product to a friend.

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        Helix Wire Winding Jenny

        October 18, 2024

        Aaren B from California

        I’ve talked with my local supplier for years now to get the company to make these to handle both Australian and United States sized rolls of high tensile wire for unspooling (to be used as a spinning Jenny, not just to roll up wire) as well as spooling. It only “rolls up” because new rolls of wire won’t fit in the United States. I don’t know why these Aussies haven’t revamped this product yet. I got it because my local supplier said they would continue to provide me a cheaper price on their imported rolls of wire that would fit this, but that changed with COVID and haven’t had them in stock since. I like multi-use products, especially

      • spinning jenny for high tensile wire