Sarrah le marquand biography of abraham lincoln

  • Sarah Lincoln, Abraham's elder sister, mar ries Aaron Grigsby.
  • [X-Info] The true story of Mary, wife of Lincoln; containing the recollections of Mary Lincoln's sister Emilie (Mrs.
  • Much more typical (and popular) were Young Mr. Lincoln (1939) and Abe Lincoln in Illinois (1940), hagiographies of the nation's most venerated small town icon.
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    Sarah (Kemp) Kennedy (1860 - 1932)

    SarahKennedy formerly Kemp

    Born in London, England

    Daughter of William John Kemp and Sarah (Harvey) Kemp

    Sister of Catherine (Kemp) Davies, Mary Harriet (Kemp) Ireland, William John Kemp, Thomas Patrick Kemp, John David Kemp, Rebecca Betsy (Kemp) Le Marquand, Alfred Joseph Kemp, Eliza Mary (Kemp) Singleton, Ethel Selina (Kemp) Harris and Richard Harold Staines Kemp

    Mother of Johanna Mary (Kennedy) Black, John William Kennedy, James Kennedy, Thomas Douglas Kennedy and Eileen Dorothy (Kennedy) Rist

    Died at about age 72in Onehunga, Auckland, New Zealand


    Profile last modified

    This page has been accessed 47 times.


    Sarah was born in 1860. She passed away in 1932.


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    No known carriers of Sarah's DNA have taken a DNA test. Have you taken a test? If so, login to add it. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA.

    This week's featured connections gave Famous Speeches: Sarah is 20 degrees from Abraham Lincoln, 18 degrees from Winston Churchill, 26 degrees from Charles de Gaulle, 19 d


    I grew up with those [small town] people. They are the ones who do some of the hardest work in America, who grow our food, run our factories, and fight our wars. They love their country in good times and bad, and they’re always proud of America. I had the privilege of living most of my life in a small town.

    Sarah Palin, Address to the Republican National Convention, 2008

    1As a youth, George Bailey cannot wait to escape tiny Bedford Falls.I couldn’t face being cooped up for the rest of my life,” he tells his father. “I’m going to shake the dust from this crummy town and see the world.” But forced by circumstances to give up his dream of going to college and designing skyscrapers, he remains in Bedford Falls, managing the family’s small savings and loan. Not even his hope for a mere glimpse of the great, wide world is fulfilled, for just as he and his bride are about to leave on their honeymoon, he discovers a run on the savings and loan, and his sense of duty compels him to use his honeymoon money to satisfy its depositors. Over the years, George renovates an old dilapidated house and raises his family, while he continues running the savings and loan.

    2A sense of failure, however, continues to haunt him, and when he sees his savings and loan on the verge o

  • sarrah le marquand biography of abraham lincoln