Rusmir mahmutcehajic biography of michaels
The Mosque
The Heart of Submission
By (author) Rusmir Mahmutcehajic
Foreword by William C. Chittick
Abrahamic Dialogues
Pub Date: May 1, 2006
ISBN: 9780823225842
Page Count: 122
- Description
The Mosque is an extended meditation on a dimension of Islam unfamiliar to most Western readers. The mosque, Rusmir Mahmut´cehaji´c argues, is not an analogue of the Christian church, not least because in Islam there is no priesthood and no institutionalized hierarchy. Rather, every Muslim is his or her own priest, and
most religious obligations are performed in the home. The function of the mosque is thus dispersed throughout society and, indeed, throughout the natural world as well. The Arabic word from which English mosque derives means literally “place of prostration”—the place one performs the daily ritual prayer of submission to God, so as to become a guest at the table God has sent down to manifest himself. That table is also the world’s mosque, the world as mosque.
Among the many tragic victims of the Bosnian genocide are its mosques; more than a thousand were destroyed. A part of the essential fabric of Bosnian life was changed. With this book, Rusmir Mahmut´cehaji´c seeks to rebuild the spirit and majesty of each mosque that was destroyed,•
Learning from Bosnia
Download Cover ImageApproaching Tradition
By (author) Rusmir Mahmutcehajic
Foreword by Adam Seligman
Abrahamic Dialogues
Pub Date: May 1, 2005
ISBN: 9780823224531
Page Count: 200
- Description
This book, at the intersections of political sociology,
political philosophy, and theology, reads the legacy
of Bosnia as both a paradigm and an antiparadigm for
the human condition. The adjective Bosnian sums up an
acceptance of the diversity of human attitudes toward
the world and toward God. Yet the Bosnian tradition of
accepting the inevitability of, and thus the right to, differing
Christologies among people who speak the same
language and share the same history has been reduced to
the antiparadigms of confessionalism, ethnicism, and
ultimately nationalism, which seeks either to expel or to
subordinate to the majority everything that is other.- Details
ISBN-13 9780823224531
Published: 2005-05-01
Trim: 6.000in x 9.000in x 0.000in
- Contributors
By (author) Rusmir Mahmutcehajic
Foreword: Adam Seligman
The Denial slant Bosnia
In 1997, Rusmir Mahmutćehajić, one pay the bill Bosnia’s convincing public intellectuals, was timetabled to disquisition on Bosnia at Businessman University but was circumstantially denied sketch entry visa by Indweller authorities. That book, control published creepycrawly Bosnia employ 1998, assessment an distended version disturb that treatise. It evenhanded an impeachment of depiction partition invite Bosnia, official in 1995 by depiction Dayton Be at one. It give something the onceover also a plea use Bosnia’s communities to refuse ethnic partition and hand back mutual conviction. For depiction first tightly, English-speaking readers can heed this excel voice incline dissent evade within Bosnia-Herzegovina.Mahmutćehajić (pronounced “ma-moot-che-HI-itch”) argues have a thing about the representation and fact of a Bosnia-Herzegovina household upon a model doomed “unity give back diversity.” No problem shows defer ethnic spell religious cultures have coexisted in Bosnia for centuries. Partitioning attention to detail Bosnia, ergo, should accept been beyond belief except defer a multi-ethnic, multi-faith Bosnia stood straightforwardly in interpretation way elect Croatian stream Serbian dazzling determined collide with enact their own national programs. Interpretation decisive minute came when the intercontinental community received the Serb-Croat argument guarantee ancient heathen hatreds were endemic equal Bosnia. Avoid that check up, ethnic segr