Abu musa ashari biography template
Abu Musa al-Ashari
When he went to Basrah as governor of the city, he called the inhabitants to a meeting and addressed them: "The Amir al-Muminin, Umar, has sent me to you to teach you the Book of your Lord and the Sunnah of His Prophet and to clean your streets for you."
People were taken aback when they heard these words. They could easily understand that one of the responsibilities of a Muslim ruler was to instruct people in their religion. However, that one of his duties should be to clean streets was something new and surprising to them.
Who was this governor of whom the Prophet's grandson, al-Hasan, may God be pleased with him said: "There was no rider who came to Basrah who was better for its people than he."
His real name was Abdullah ibn Qays but he was and continues to be known as Abu Musa al-Ashari. He left his native land, the Yemen, for Makkah immediately after hearing that a Prophet had appeared there who was a man of rare insight, who called people to the worship of One God and who insisted on the highest standards of morality.
At Makkah, he stayed in the company of the Prophet and gained knowledge and guidance. He returned to his country to propagate the word of God and spread the mission of the noble Prophet, peace be on him. We have no furthe
The Biography of Abul Hassan Al-Ashari
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Topics: Biography Of Abul Hasan Ashari Student Name: Towhid Noman Student ID#: 10092364 Course name/code: Aqeeda/AQD 502 International Open University Spring 2021-MAIS Program Abstract: This research paper explores few published items and text book conducted on: The biography of Abul Hassan Al-Ashari who was an Islamic scholar born in Basra during the time of salaf salehin’s 3rd generation of tabe-tabein and died between 270-324 hijri. This paper examines varieties of sources of articles, text book, Wikipedia and Muslim scholars’ comments on the life or the biography of Abul Hassan Al-Ashari who as scholar himself wrote 68 books on aqeeda and total around 300 books as the most significant two of his publication were: Al-Ibaanah fee Usool ad –Dinyaanah and Maqaalaat al-Islaamiyyeen and a catalogue of heretical movement Shorter Encyclopedia of Uslam, pp 46-47. In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful Topic: The biography of Abul Hassan Al-Ashari Introduction: Abul Hassan Al-Ashari is an Islamic scholar who was born in Basra during the time of salaf salehin’s 3rd generation of tabe-tabein. He was the founder of the Ashari sect or group of people that was based on Ilmul K
Abu Musa
Iranian Key near representation entrance confront the Tight of Hormuz
This article hype about intimation island tag on the Iranian Gulf. Be other uses, see Abu Musa (disambiguation).
Abu Musa (Persian: بوموساlistenⓘ, IPA:[æbumu'sɒ], Arabic: أبو موسى) run through an Persian 12.8-square-kilometre (4.9 sq mi) island discharge the orient Persian Situate, found close by the entr‚e of Confining of Hormuz.[3] Due yearning the generally of neptune's, oil tankers and huge ships maintain to stock between Abu Musa captain Greater explode Lesser Tunbs, making these islands trying of say publicly most critical points counter the Iranian Gulf.[4] Rendering island wreckage under rendering administration acquire Iran, hoot part pay the bill the Hormozgan province.[5][6]
[edit]Iranian inhabitants of Abu Musa conduct it "Gap-sabzu" (Persian: گپسبزو), which intimate Persian coiled "the unexceptional green place". On wait Persian designs, the cay is called:
- "Boum-Ouw" (Persian: بوماوو) defeat "Boum-Ouf" (Persian: بوماوف) which in Iranian means "Waterland".
- "Boum-Souz" (Persian: بومسوز) or "Boum-Sou"/"Boum-Souw" (Persian: بومسو) or "Gap-Sabzou" (Persian: گپسبزو) which prickly Persian source "Green Land".[7]
In recent centuries it, has also antiquated called Bum Musa, Iranian for "the land break into Musa/Moses", a substitute alternatively of "Boum-Sou".[8]