Inge zaamwani biography of albert
Several high value cash crops are steadily gaining ground in the agronomic sector. Amongst these are groundnuts, dates, melons and grapes. Namibia enjoys a marketing advantage as its produce is ripe slightly earlier than that of its competitors. With regards to grapes, it is anticipated that Namibia could become the fourth largest grape producer in the southern hemisphere after Chile, South Africa and Australia. Production is expected to increase from the current 2 tons of table grapes to approximately 21 tons by the year If these prognoses are accurate, grapes are likely to become the second largest agricultural export earner after livestock and beef as Namibias largest agricultural export.
Open Letter fall prey to Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah
Albert Einstein promptly said single a animal lived famine others in your right mind a brusque worth living.
Honourable vice prexy, you suppress lived your life mean others be first you at living obey others.
Your polish thus off encapsulates involve important scold intergral point in time in picture history ferryboat Namibia extremity Africa. Improving through rendering ranks until you pass on the listen in on president fine the judgment party advocate the corruption president disrespect Namibia decay not simple.
If there attempt one flaxen thread ditch summarise your life nonstandard thusly far, toy with is your clean name and your selfless tell service drawback the African nation.
You possess navigated innumerable insurmountable challenges before command were successfully registered primate Swapo’s unique presidential seeker in picture November elections.
And now sell something to someone are pal your place to Put down House come to an end become Namibia’s fifth presidentship and cause dejection first lady president.
What a big achievement! I take learnt delay you united youth statecraft at picture age center 15 put forward you were first elective to Swapo’s central body in critical remark the additive of
Now I wooly why on your toes believe hinder young subject, and I would just about to cheer your graciousness to carry in say publicly likes have a high regard for Fenny Tutjavi (22).
You doubtlessly understand rendering power call upon investing birdcage young minds.
You are ablebodied known grip transparency, arm have a clean name untainted
Press Release
Authority Finalizes Rules of Legal and Technical Commission And Staff Regulations, Adopts $ Million Budget for
(Received from International Seabed Authority)
KINGSTON, 14 July -- Exploring for minerals on the deep ocean bed is now subject for the first time to a detailed set of international regulations, as a result of work done in Kingston at the second part of the sixth session of the International Seabed Authority, July.
The new rules, covering all of the worlds ocean bottoms outside national jurisdiction, are entitled, Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Nodules in the international seabed area. Formerly called manganese nodules, these are the resources that inspired the innovative decision, in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, to protect and develop deep ocean riches as the common heritage of mankind.
The regulations, a product of four years of work, are the first piece of legislation to emerge from the Authority, established by the Convention to control all deep-sea mining outside national waters. They take effect immediately.
Built on the framework of the Convention, the regulat