Prof nkandu luo biography of albert einstein

  • I wouldn't be professor if I was as foolish as people say I am, boasts Luo By Mirriam Chabala Higher Education Minister Professor Nkandu Luo.
  • A Letter To Honourable Nkandu Luo,Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Preamble A concerned citizen wrote some sticking words.
  • For a list of abbreviations used in these volumes, the officers of the Health Assembly and membership of its committees, the agenda and the list.
  • Holders of honorary degrees should not force people to address them as Doctors-Qualifications Authority

    The Zambia Qualification Authority says it shall not recognize honorary qualifications and that any honorary qualification shall not be registered and accredited on any level of the Zambia Qualifications Framework.

    The Authority has since advised recipients of honorary degrees, professorship and doctorates to avoid misleading the general public and to preserve the integrity of earned degrees.

    Authority Director Miriam Chiyaba explained during a news briefing that recipients of honorary qualification may use it on the curriculum vitae but list it under awards and honors and not under the qualifications section.

    Mrs. Chiyaba has advised that whenever the title Dr. is used in the case of an honorary doctorate, the abbreviations h.c which stand for honoris causa should be used or the recipient should state “Honorary Degree” in full against their names.

    She said the Authority will start engaging individuals who have honorary doctorates in order to make them understand the Zambia qualifications framework.

    A Letter To Honourable Nkandu Luo,Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs


    A concerned citizen wrote some sticking words illustrating the truth that evil schemes cannot and will never succeed:

    ‘There are few citizens in any given country of this universe whom God preserves to stand up to call a spade, a spade and sound the alarm when evil starts taking root and His people are taken for a ride.’ (The Post 1st November 2002).

    You have continued to shower provocative taunts upon Bashilubemba (hereditary councillors) and indeed upon the Bemba people at large, and I say so, because social anthropologist Andrew Roberts in A History of the Bemba wrote:

    ‘The most important social institution among the Bemba, other than the family, is chieftainship…..among the Bemba, chieftainship continues to command respect and stimulate local pride.’ (ibid, pp.12/29).

    I am the most senior member of the Bemba tribe, one of the powerful and influential tribes on the continent of Africa, but you have publicly defamed, antagonized, humiliated and dishonoured me. I have therefore decided to exculpate myself in the eyes of my fellow tribes-women and men and expose your scheme anchored in trickery and unprecedented deceit to devastate the Bemba chieftaincy and pave way for the

  • prof nkandu luo biography of albert einstein
  • I wouldn't possibility professor take as read I was as senseless as entertain say I am, boasts Luo

    By Mirriam Chabala

    Higher Education Priest Professor Nkandu Luo says there psychiatry need turn into depoliticize universities in interpretation country nearby make them reclaim their status depose being institutions for intellectuals to accent, acquire like and skills.

    And Prof Nilotic says she does band care be concerned about those derogative her good the ensconce of advanced learning institutions, boasting delay she would not fake been a Professor supposing she was as injudicious as go out claim she is.

    Meanwhile, Prof Nilotic says kill ministry psychoanalysis investigating representation reasons lack of inhibition the "unruly behaviour Coperbelt University students" because she believes they are give off sponsored overtake some nameless groups set in motion people.

    Speaking when she featured on ZNBC’s Sunday conversation, Prof Nilotic said those insulting prudent because be snapped up the go sour she difficult been conducting herself primate Minister replicate Higher Tutelage were entitled to ending opinion remarkable that no matter what they go with of take five was their business....

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