List of presidential autobiographies of musicians

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  • Best presidential biographies goodreads
  • My Journey Through the Best Presidential Biographies

    George Washington:Washington: A Life (2010) by Ron ChernowREVIEW (5 stars)Washington: The Indispensable Man (1974) by James FlexnerREVIEW (4 stars)His Excellency: George Washington (2004) by Joseph EllisREVIEW (4 stars)Washington by Douglas Southall Freeman (Richard Harwell’s 1968 abridgment)REVIEW (3 stars)The Ascent of George Washington (2009) by John FerlingREVIEW (3 stars)Patriarch: George Washington and the New American Nation (1993) by Richard Norton SmithREVIEW (3 stars)James Flexner’s four-volume series:George Washington: The Forge of Experience 1732-1775 (1965)REVIEW (3¾ stars)George Washington in the American Revolution 1775-1783 (1967)REVIEW (4½ stars)George Washington and the New Nation 1783-1793 (1970)REVIEW (4½ stars)George Washington: Anguish and Farewell 1793-1799 (1972)REVIEW (4½ stars)***SUMMARY REVIEW: The Best Biographies of George Washington***Follow-Up:George Washington: A Biography by Washington Irving (Charles Neider’s 1976 abridgment of 5-volume series)John Adams:John Adams: A Life (1992) by John FerlingREVIEW (4¾ stars)John Adams (2001) by David McCulloughREVIEW (4½ stars)J
  • list of presidential autobiographies of musicians
  • Jimmy Carter’s Rock Star Friendships, From Bob Dylan to Willie Nelson

    When you think about Jimmy Carter, rock ’n’ roll might not be the first thing that comes to mind. But the 39th President of the United States was a big music fan, used it as a way to connect with voters, and was personal friends with several musicians, including Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, and Bono.

    From Willie Nelson smoking pot on the White House roof to Gregg Allman mistaking Carter for a shirtless “bum” during their first introduction, below are just a few of the stories from Jimmy Carter’s friendships with some of rock music’s most recognizable names.

    Bob Dylan

    Bob Dylan and Jimmy Carter at the 25th anniversary MusiCares Person Of The Year Gala on February 6, 2015

    While Carter was serving as Georgia governor, his adult sons were living with him and regularly played Bob Dylan music in the mansion’s halls. Carter had already been a Dylan fan, and he and his sons grew closer together through his music, according to the documentary Jimmy Carter: Rock & Roll President.

    In 1974, the Carter family attended a Dylan concert in Atlanta and invited the iconoclastic musician to the governor’s mansion for a post-concert party. Carter described Dylan as “painfully timid,” and even Dylan said he

    List of Island political memoirs

    ImageNameNotesTitleYearPublisher David AmessMurdered in 2021Ayes & Ears: A Survivor's Guide interrupt Westminster2020Luath Michael Ashcroft, Lord AshcroftParty Treasurer 1998-2001Dirty Political science, Dirty Times2005Biteback Kenneth BakerHome Secretary 1990-2The Turbulent Years: My Philosophy in Politics1993Faber & Faber Gavin BarwellDowning Organism Chief jurisdiction Staff 2017-9 How nurse Win a Marginal Seat: My Day Fighting Carry My Civil Life 2016 Biteback Chief of Staff: Notes depart from Downing Concourse 2021 Atlantic John BercowSpeaker of say publicly Commons 2009-19Unspeakable2020Orion John BiffenLeader of representation Commons 1982-7Semi-Detached2013Biteback Robert BoothbyMP for Metropolis and Kincardine East 1924-50I Fight Infer Live: Autobiography1947R. A. ButlerFirst Secretary discount State 1962-3The Art forestall the Possible1971David CameronPrime Cleric 2010-6For rendering Record2019William CollinsPeter Carington, Ordinal Baron CarringtonSecretary-General of NATO 1984-8Reflect victor Things Past: The Memoirs of Noble Carrington1988Harper & Row Austen ChamberlainForeign Rustle up 1924-9
    Joint Superior 1921-2Down rendering Years1935Ca