Julia brokaw biography

  • Julia Brokaw is a fourth year PhD student in the Cariveau Native Bee Lab at the University of Minnesota.
  • Julia Brokaw.
  • Striving for a world with generosity.
  • Duff, Julia

    Julia Edith Duff was born on June 5, 1895 in Normal, Illinois, the daughter of Peter Charles and Fannie (Walker) Duff. Her parents came to Normal from Kentucky in the years following the U.S. Civil War to seek a better life. In Normal, Peter worked as a carpenter for Jesse Fell and also attended Illinois State Normal University (today called ISU). Julia had three brothers: John Walker, Rollie C., and George T, and two sisters: Alverta and Jannie May. One sister, Cordelia A., died at birth. The family resided at 107 W. Poplar Street in Normal, a house that Peter built himself in 1883 on a lot he had obtained from Jesse Fell.

         People described Julia as strict, proper, and precise. She was also known to be jolly, witty, and to smile a lot, but was more reserved than her sister Alverta. Education was important to the Duff family. After graduating from Normal High School, Julia enrolled at ISNU in 1912 intending to do a three-year program in home economics. However, for financial reasons, Julia left school after earning a two-year teaching certificate, but did return years later to complete her bachelor’s degree. At ISNU Julia was a member of the YWCA and Wrightonia. In the 1915 ISNU yearbook, the quote next to her name states: “Her brothers are some athletes and

    Marion Julia Brokaw

    When Marion Julia Brokaw was born precipitate 26 Feb 1916, absorb New Dynasty City, Fresh York, Unified States, assembly father, Edgar Lloyd Brokaw Sr, was 28 stand for her curb, Edna Macdonald, was 26. She mated Earnest C Benmore be bothered 14 Feb 1942, come to terms with New Royalty City, Different York County, New Royalty, United States. They were the parents of take care least 1 son gleam 2 daughters. She quick in Borough, New Royalty City, Additional York, Mutual States transport about 20 years. She died running away 29 Apr 2000, restrict Sarasota, Florida, United States, at interpretation age close 84.

    Julia Ann (Brokaw) Slonaker (abt. 1831)

    JuliaAnnSlonaker formerly Brokaw

    Born about in Ohio, United States

    Daughter of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]

    [sibling(s) unknown]

    [children unknown]

    Died [date unknown] [location unknown]

    Profile last modified

    This page has been accessed 31 times.



    Ohio, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1774-1993 Name: Julia Ann Brokaw Gender: Female Marriage Date: 25 Feb 1850 Marriage Place: Belmont, Ohio, USA Spouse: Abraham Stonecker Film Number: 000902144


    1880 United States Federal Census Name: Julia A. Slonaker Age: 49 Birth Date: Abt 1831 Birthplace: Ohio Home in 1880: Freeport, Harrison, Ohio, USA Dwelling Number: 210 Race: White Gender: Female Relation to Head of House: Wife Marital Status: Married Spouse's Name: Abraham Slonaker Father's Birthplace: Ohio Mother's Birthplace: Maryland Occupation: Keeping House Household Members Age Relationship Abraham Slonaker 52 Self (Head) Julia A. Slonaker 49 Wife George W. Slonaker 27 Son John A. Slonaker 21 Son Amanda Slonaker 18 Daughter Alice Slonaker 14 Daughter


    • United States Federal Census

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  • julia brokaw biography