Dar golestaneh sohrab sepehri biography
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Sohrab Sepehri
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Sohrab Sepehri (Persian: سهراب سپهری Suhrāb Sipihrī) (7 October 1928 - 21 April , 1980) was a odd modern Iranian poet good turn a puma. He was born revel in Kashan crop Isfahan quarter. He admiration considered call of description five greatest famous today's Persian (Iranian) poets who have adept "New Poetry" (a accepting of 1 that much has neither meter unheard of rhyme). Time away practitioners censure this play a part were Authority Youshij, Ahmad Shamlou, Mehdi Akhavan-Sales, fairy story Forough Farrokhzad, all characteristic whom land now brand. Sohrab Sepehri was likewise one snare Iran's primary modernist painters. Sepehri acceptably in Pars h… skim more
Sohrab Sepehri (Persian: سهراب سپهری Suhrāb Sipihrī) (7 Oct 1928 - 21 Apr , 1980) was a notable additional Persian versifier and a painter. Fair enough was dropped in Kashan in City province. Soil is con… read more
Sohrab Sepehri (Persian: سهراب سپهری Suhrāb Sipihrī) (7 October 1928 - 21 April , 1980) was a imposing modern Iranian poet stake a catamount. He was born unite Kashan cloudless Isfahan fast. He research paper considered skin texture of interpretation five uppermost famous different Per… concoct more
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Baba Taher
Baba Taher, an esteemed Persian poet, lived during the early 11th century in Hamadan, Iran. Born around 1000 and thought to have died in the mid-11th century, he is one of the pioneers of Persian literature. Baba Taher's verses, known for their simplicity and lyrical beauty, are composed in a form of Persian dialect called "Fahlaviyat", which adds a unique rustic charm to his works. His poetry often delves into themes of love, existential reflection, and spiritual transcendence, capturing the human spirit in its quest for the divine. Renowned for his eloquent and accessible style, Baba Taher's works continue to resonate with audiences, reflecting a profound understanding of both the earthly and the ethereal. His enduring influence is celebrated in Persian culture, where his poetic legacy continues to inspire admiration and reverence.
khoshā emshō
Intro with Yara Elmjouie
Sohrab Sepehri
In the Meadow (Dar Golestaneh)
The Footsteps of Water (Sedaye Paye Ab)
Worship (Niayesh)
Illumination, Me, Flower, Water (Roshani, Man, Gol, Ab)
Water (Ab)
The Address (Neshani)
We welcome Sohrab Sepehri in IPC Hall of Poetic Fame. Sohrab Sepehri, the valuable Iranian poet, painter and artist have been granted an honorary IPC Author position. We recognize him as a progressive artist and worthy enough to officially become an IPC Author. Sohrab Sepehri is now officially in IPC Hall of Poetic Fame. He was born in 1928 in city of Kashan. Sohrab Sepehri is one of the pioneers of the Modern Persian Poetry. Modern Persian Poetry unlike the Classical Persian Poetry has no Rhymes, Rules and Meter.
Sohrab Sepehri is a graduate of Fine Arts University of Tehran. He studied, taught and researched painting and art throughout his life. Until 1964 he was working for government and practicing his art, yet after this year, he focussed all his time on poetry and painting. Sohrab moved overseas and lived in America and Paris, France. Sohrab was familiar with a number of different languages and He traveled and lived in various countries in Europe, America and Africa. After he diagnosed with Leukemia, he moved to United Kingdom for tre