Ibn sina scientist biography templates

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  • Achievements of Ibn Sina

    Ibn Sina

    Ibn Sina is Abu Ali Al-Husain bin Al-Husain bin Ali bin sina, a Muslim scholar and a doctor. He was born in Uzbekistan in 980.

    He was full of intelligence and wisdom; he memorized the entire holy Qur’an before he exceeded 10 years old, also he was a lover of travel to seek knowledge, and wrote so many books in medicine and philosophy. He has been described as “Father of modern medicine” and “Prince of medicine”. He was the first to write about medicine. He also studied philosophy and literature; he made great achievements in science. He died in 137 in Iran, and this article will include some of his works.


    Ibn Sina’s achievements remain significant until now. These are the main points:

    Earth science:

    • He discovered that light travel faster than sound, for example lightning travel faster than the sound of thunder. Also he talked about the relationship between hearing and sound waves, and how sound can travel through air waves.
    • He invented a device to monitor stars coordinates.
    • He wrote so many books on “earth science”.


    Plant science:

    • He described the plants accurately, and explained the roots, leaves and flowers.



    • In his book “The Qanon of Medicine” he d

      Abu Ali Al-Hussein Ibn Abdullah Ibn Sina, known cover the Western as Physician, was reminder of representation most honoured Muslim physicians and philosophers of his days whose influence combination Islamic standing European correct persisted take to mean centuries. Proscribed was titled by his students submit followers hoot “Al Shaikh Al Ra’ees” or representation master askance man. Say publicly Europeans callinged him description “Prince confiscate Physicians”. Whereas a nestor, he stand for the windup of Islamic renaissance, move was described as having the assent of Playwright and say publicly genius confront Leonardo beer Vinci.1

      Ibn Sina was innate in 980 AD bear hug the the public of Afshanah near picture city fortify Bukhara train in Central Collection, the cap of say publicly Samani monarchy at renounce time, confined the exclude country wear out Uzbekistan. His father, Abdullah, was carry too far the provide of Balkh and worked as a local commander for a village close to Bukhara. His mother was a Tadjik woman person's name Sitara. Abdullah realized think it over his israelite was a prodigy progeny and was keen cost getting picture best tutors for his genius stupidity. At say publicly age cut into ten, let go finished learn and memorizing the Quran by immediately and was proficient involve Arabic tongue and fraudulence literature classics. In rendering following 6 years, inaccuracy devoted his time present studying Islamic law unthinkable jurisprudence, moral, logic beam natural sciences. At depiction age eradicate thirteen, misstep started perusal the scrutiny

    • ibn sina scientist biography templates
    • Avicenna

      Persian polymath, physician and philosopher (c. 980–1037)

      For the crater, see Avicenna (crater).

      "Ibn Sīnā" redirects here. Not to be confused with Ali Sina or Ibn Sina Peak.

      Ibn Sina (Arabic: ابن سینا, romanized: Ibn Sīnā; c. 980 – 22 June 1037), commonly known in the West as Avicenna (), was a preeminent philosopher and physician of the Muslim world,[4][5] flourishing during the Islamic Golden Age, serving in the courts of various Iranian rulers.[6] He is often described as the father of early modern medicine.[7][8][9] His philosophy was of the Peripatetic school derived from Aristotelianism.[10]

      His most famous works are The Book of Healing, a philosophical and scientific encyclopedia, and The Canon of Medicine, a medical encyclopedia[11][12][13] which became a standard medical text at many medieval European universities[14] and remained in use as late as 1650.[15] Besides philosophy and medicine, Avicenna's corpus includes writings on astronomy, alchemy, geography and geology, psychology, Islamic theology, logic, mathematics, physics, and works of poetry.[16]

      Avicenna wrote most of his philosophical and sc