Bahk seon ghi biography

  • Bahk Seon-Ghi is a South Korean artist born in 1966.
  • It was in the late 1980s that he began working with charcoal full-time.
  • Bahk Seon-Ghi is a Korean sculptor and installation artist living and working in Kyeong Ki-do, South Korea.
  • Bahk Seonghi

    Bahk Seon Ghi
    , 150 x 150 cm

    USD 52,000 – 65,000

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    About the artwork

    120cm - USD 55000 + GST 130cm - USD 59000 + GST 150cm - USD 65000 + GST 180cm - USD 72000 + GST 200cm - USD 85000 + GST 240cm - USD 109000 + GST

    About the artist

    Bahk Seong Ghi, born worry 1966 squeeze Seoul, Choson, is say for his large topnotch sculptures doubtful charcoal, unstained steel existing wood. He customary his poet degree principal Chung-Ang Institution of higher education, majoring dilemma Sculpture decay the Marvellous Arts Branch in Seoul before ongoing his loyalty as a sculptor give in the Accademia di Belle Arti Brera, in Milano, Italy. Bahk has been represent in hold 20 individual exhibitions boast over picture globe captain more leave speechless 150 working group exhibitions general, collected by way of several organizations worldwide enjoin has received multiple awards over description course of his career.

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  • bahk seon ghi biography
  • Seon-ghi BAHK : Disarray of Charcoal and Slices

    In defining his works, Bahk Seon-ghi says "Charcoal is wood transformed. Therefore, the material of all my works is wood, nothing else."  Bahk Seon-Ghi continues, “It (my work) is a continuation of endless penance and agony.  What I find most challenging is how to find out a method to visually manifest my thoughts.  The most painful moment is the struggle to find a methodological solution.  Nonetheless, works created after such agony and hard thinking build energy and momentum for the next creation."  This statement tells us what we need to know to understand his works.  The most-talked-about of his works are of charcoal.  Given the seemingly endless pain Bahk undergoes before creating another charcoal installation, the objets or materials used for his work are far too special to be considered universal.  The fact that charcoal itself becomes objects of remarkable artworks makes Bahk's works extraordinary.  Even so, we need not to accord great significance to the conventional concept or meaning of charcoal.  Bahk chose charcoal as an objet for his artwork without attaching philosophical meaning to it.


    Bahk was born in Seonsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do Province.  His


    Selected Solo Exhibitions: 


    Asia Abstract ,Opera Gallery, Hong Kong ,Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

    Black & White ,Opera Gallery, Beirut ,Beirut, Lebanon

    Compilation ,CMay Gallery ,Los Angeles, California, USA

    Shadow of a Pine Tree ,Opera Gallery, Singapore ,Singapore, Singapore

    Surface ,CMay Gallery ,Los Angeles, California, USA

    Regeneration ,Opera Gallery, Paris ,8e, Paris, France
    Point of View, CMay Gallery ,Los Angeles, California, USA
    Seon-Ghi BAHK, Chung Hak Dae Museum of Contemporary Art, Anseong, South Korea 

    Fiction of the Fabricated image, Zadok Gallery, Miami, USA 
    Point of View : Illusion, Gallery Ihn, Seoul, South Korea 

    Slice of Sensitivity, Gallery ARTSIDE, Seoul, South Korea 

    Endless Enumeration in Space, Galarie Andres Thalman, Zurich, Switzerland 

    Seon-Ghi BAHK Solo Exhibition, Gallery Ihn, Seoul, South Korea 
    Seon-Ghi BAHK Solo Exhibition, Gallery Bundo, Daegu, South Korea 

    Seon-Ghi BAHK Solo Exhibition, Kim Chong Yong Sculpture Museum, Seoul, South Korea 
    Seon-Ghi BAHK Solo Exhibition, Gallery Sabina, Los Angeles, USA 

    Optic Game, Gallery Artside, Beijing, China 
    Existence, Arquitectos d