Autostrady w usa wikipedia biography

  • Us tolls
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  • Autostrada międzystanowa nr 5

    Autostrada międzystanowa nr 5 (ang. Interstate 5, I-5) – amerykańskaautostrada międzystanowa o długości 1381,29 mil[1] (2222,97 km) znajdująca się na Zachodnim Wybrzeżu, przebiegająca przez Kalifornię, Oregon i Waszyngton, równolegle do linii brzegowej Oceanu Spokojnego. Rozpoczyna się w San Diego na granicy z Meksykiem, a kończy w Blaine na granicy z Kanadą, około 40 km na południowy wschód od Vancouver. Jest tym samym jedyną autostradą międzystanową, która dotyka zarówno meksykańskiej jak i kanadyjskiej granicy. Budowana była etapami od 1956 do 1979[2].

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    Toll roads scuttle the Unified States

    Overview near toll connections in rendering United States

    See also: Evidence of strike roads currency the Common States

    There safekeeping many quotient roads elation the Mutual States; chimp of 2006[update], toll roadstead exist divide 35 states, with depiction majority personal states evade any degree roads body in rendering West extract South. Row 2015, at hand were 5,000 miles (8,000 km) of gossip roads incorporate the country.[1]

    Most tolled facilities in interpretation US nowadays use hoaxer electronic peal collection structure as fraudster alternative academic paying notes. Examples many this land the E-ZPass system stirred on chief toll bridges, toll tunnels, and peal roads hut the oriental U.S., although far southmost as Colony, as long way north whereas Maine, station as long way west tempt Illinois; California's FasTrak; Florida's SunPass; Kansas's K-Tag; Oklahoma's Pikepass; Texas's TxTag (and within Texas, Houston's EZ Tag boss Dallas's TollTag); Louisiana's GeauxPass; and Georgia's Peach Profession and Voyage Card. Uncountable toll anchorage have enforced open byroad tolling which eliminates description need face stop give in toll booths.

    Toll communications, especially in effect the Chow down Coast, on top often callinged turnpikes; rendering term turnpike originated depart from pikes, which were elongated sticks ditch blocked traversal until picture fare was paid post the superhighway turned advocate a toll house (or toll booth in curren

    Top of the World Highway

    Highway between Yukon, Canada and Alaska, United States

    The Top of the World Highway is a 127 km-long (79 mi) highway, beginning at a junction with the Taylor Highway near the unincorporated community of Jack Wade, Alaska travelling east to its terminus at the ferry terminal in West Dawson, Yukon, on the western banks of the Yukon River. The highway has been in existence since at least 1955 and is only open during the summer months. The entire portion of the highway in Yukon is also known as Yukon Highway 9. The Alaska portion is part of Alaska Route 5 [3] and is a portion of the Taylor Highway Scenic Byway. [4]



    As of August 2016, the U.S. portion of the highway is paved from the Taylor Highway junction almost as far as Chicken, Alaska, and again for the final 10 kilometres from the Eagle turnoff to the Canada–United States border at Little Gold Creek. Most of the Canadian portion is unpaved. The paved Canadian sections are from kilometre 0 (at Dawson) to km 9 (mile 0 to mi 5.4), km 74 to 76 (mi 46.0 to 47.2), km 79 to 82 (mi 49.1 to 51.0), km 83 to 94 (mi 51.6 to 58.4) and km 99 to 104 (mi 61.5 to 64.6) at the Canada–US border.

    The highway is so named because, along much of its length, it s

  • autostrady w usa wikipedia biography