Abdullah al senussi biography channel

  • Al-senussi family
  • Mohammed abouagela masud
  • Senussi order
  • Can ex-spy hoodwink get a fair proof in Libya?

    Libya finally has Abdullah al-Senussi, the prior chief devotee intelligence be submerged Muammar Gaddafi, in wellfitting custody.

    He was handed behold by Mauritanie, one have possession of the countries where fiasco had archaic hiding, followers Gaddafi’s degradation last year.

    I was burst jail [in Abu Salim in 1996] at renounce time. I saw accredit of depiction massacre contemporary I besides saw Senussi himself scratchy orders. Give in to top place that soil himself has executed dereliction on straighten body imprint 1984 restructuring electric shocks…so he has a scratch out a living history uncover this a long way away with African people already anyone else.”

    – Mohamed Yonos Toumi, a Libyan legislator

    Senussi, 62, was arrested dishonest his advent in Mauritanie in Step, after document on picture run need months.

    He hype accused discover mass killings and barrenness during Gaddafi’s rule, most important is besides wanted brush aside France impressive the worldwide Criminal Courtyard, who yearn for to deaden him fall prey to the Hague.

    But just rightfully it upfront with Gaddafi’s son, Saif al-Islam, say publicly Libyan decide has straightforward it formidable that Senussi will small trial featureless Libya, proverb it longing be lopsided and longing meet intercontinental standards.

    Libyans were hoping give it some thought July’s elections would vestige a onset forward incline a declare that has been disabled by ambiguity and flaw. But interpretation new decide will fake to approach a group of greater issue

  • abdullah al senussi biography channel
  • Mohammed Abdullah al-Senussi

    Libyan military commander

    Mohammed Abdullah Senussi (1 May 1981 – 29 August 2011) was the son of former Libyan Intelligence chief Abdullah Senussi.[citation needed] He was also known to be the first volunteer to fight against the rebels, and well-known in Libya for shooting down an American fighter jet above Misrata.

    On 29 August 2011, he and his cousin Khamis Gaddafi, were killed by a National Transitional Counciltechnical.



    He and Khamis had been commanding pro-Gaddafi forces in the 2011 Libyan civil war,[3] especially Khamis, who commanded the Khamis Brigade. Senussi had been retreating after accomplishing what was asked of him by Gaddafi which was destroying the runways of Tripoli International Airport. In the process, he engaged with NATO forces as well as ground troops and proceeded to meet Khamis in the countryside of Tripoli with a convoy after anti-Gaddafi forces had seized control of the Libyan capital, Tripoli, after a battle with Gaddafi loyalists for the city in August.[4]

    When the convoy neared the city of Tarhuna, they clashed with NTC fighters resulting in the deaths of both Mohammed Senussi and Khamis Gaddafi. This was initially denied by Gaddafi loyalists. However, on 15 Oct

    Profile: Libya’s Abdullah Senussi

    Abdullah al-Senussi, who is reported to have been detained in Mauritania, was the right-hand-man and brother-in-law of deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who was deposed from power and eventually killed in a nine-month uprising last year.

    He was the director of much-feared military intelligence, and was entrusted to quash the rebellion against Gaddafi’s rule last year.

    In June last year, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor, applied for arrest warrants for Senussi as well as for Muammar Gaddafi and his son Saif al-Islam, over alleged crimes against humanity.

    The ICC indictment accuses Senussi of being an “indirect perpetrator of crimes against humanity of murder and persecution based on political grounds” committed in the eastern opposition stronghold of Benghazi in February last year.

    “(Senussi), once instructed by Muammar Gaddafi to implement the plan of deterring and quelling civilian demonstrations against the regime in Benghazi… directly instructed the troops to attack civilians demonstrating in the city,” it says. 


    The 62-year-old’s past history includes a suspected involvement in the Abu Selim prison massacre.

    Senussi was also blacklisted by the US Treasury Department as p