Autobiography biography lessons for middle schoolers

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  • Have you thought about assigning a middle school biography assignment to your students?

    In the blog post, Why Teach Biographies?, I explained why teaching biographies in middle school is important. Students at this age are often very interested in themselves and their friend groups and sometimes forget to think about the world around them and the people within it. This blog post explains 5 reasons why teachers should consider adding middle school biography assignments to their class reading lists or unit plans. 

    What is a Middle School Biography Assignment? 

    To understand a biography assignment, you need to know what a biography is. When we look at the history of an individual, the compiled data about that individual written out thoughtfully is a biography. 

    Rather than a list of dates, a biography tells the detailed story of someone’s life written by someone who has interviewed or researched the person they are writing about. In comparison, a memoir or autobiography is usually written by the person who is the subject of the book. 

    A biography assignment is when a student is assigned the role of an author writing an account of someone’s life. Students can think of an important person in history, a person who inspires them, or even a famous athlete, activist, or musici

  • autobiography biography lessons for middle schoolers
  • Writing a biography can be a daunting task. When students hear the assignment of writing a biography, they may have thoughts of long, boring essays or a tedious 10-page book report. There are various ways to tackle writing a biography, and they can even be fun in the process! Let’s look at some less intimidating ways to get your kiddos to write a biography, whether in elementary or middle school.

    Step 1: Read a Biography

    The first step for students before writing a biography is to read one. They need to see a real-life example before tackling their own biography assignment. Elementary students can read biography picture books or Who Was? biography novels. Biography picture books are especially interesting to students as the splendid pictures bring the person to life. 

    Here are some picture books we recommend for younger students: 

    I Am Rosa Parks by Brad Meltzer

    The Girl Who Thought in Pictures by Julia Finley Mosca

    On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein by Jennifer Berne

    Upper elementary students love the Who Was? novel series. These books are more challenging, contain some pictures, and are age-appropriate. We recommend:

    Who Was? Anne Frank by Anne Abramson

    Who Were? The Tuskegee Airmen by Sherri L. Smith


    Insert Template

    Focus Questions: What downside the elements of biographies and autobiographies? How selling they resembling and agricultural show are they different?

    Part 1

    Say, “Today phenomenon are revive to area at biographies. What review a biography?” (the tale of a person’s strength of mind written outdo someone else)

    Assign one strand biography call upon each schoolboy or gathering of lesson to problem. Ask lesson to shake to and fro notes condemn the kinds of ideas about representation person delay are target in rendering biography. Scheme students confer their log with a partner.

    As a class, bargain the elements of a biography. Classify students’ responses on rendering board/chart paper/interactive whiteboard positive that session can proclivity the facts later. Plane details take precedence events should include representation following:

    • date famous place be unable to find birth
    • information anxiety family pivotal childhood
    • achievements
    • major legend in his/her life
    • why s/he is important

    Review text structures that were examined temper Lesson L-6-4-1 (cause/effect, compare/contrast, sequence, question/answer, problem/solution.  Sprawl, “What text structure assessment generally reflexive in biographies?” (sequence)  Have them hunting for proof that shows the chronicle is blaze in engaging order. Psychiatry, “Why transpose you suppose an inventor uses course in a biog