Arpad pusztai biography channel

  • This elderly man is one of the most divisive figures in biology.
  • Dr Pusztai, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, was an eminent scientist.
  • Arpad Pusztai was born in Budapest in He studied chemistry at the city's Eotvos Lorand University.
  • With texts from


    Angelika Hilbeck:

    At the biosafety capacity building summer schools at GenØk (under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety), I met Árpád Pusztai for the first time. I had long discussions and personal stories to share with him and his wife Susan. I sensed his deep, deep personal disappointment in the scientific establishment to which he belonged most of his life and the loss of life-long friends (the Gatehouses). In these conversations with him, I realized that my own degree of personal disappointment and loss of trust in the scientific establishment was nowhere near Árpád&#;s, simply for the fact that I had not really belonged to it at that time in the first place, as a result of my much younger age (it hit me at the beginning of my career, not at the end as for Árpád) and gender (as a woman you didn’t belong to the male-dominated science world anyway, certainly not as a young post-doc and mother). I never had reasons to really trust the scientific establishment, but he did. His disappointment was immense and it left deep wounds that, I believe, never healed, just scarred with the help of his wonderful wife and partner in science and loyal friends, of whom he had many: I count myself to this group.

    I also saw Árpád&#;s unwavering dedication to scie

    Arpad Pusztai

    The history of events and the quotes below are adapted from Andy Rowell's book, Don't Worry, It's Safe to Eat, Earthscan, , ISBN

    On 10 August the GM debate changed forever with the broadcast of a programme on British TV about GM food safety featuring a brief but revealing interview with Dr Arpad Pusztai about his research into GM food safety. Dr Pusztai told of his findings on the ill effects of GM potatoes on laboratory rats. He was subsequently gagged and suspended by his institute, the Rowett Research Institute in Scotland, his research team was disbanded, and his research data was confiscated. He was subjected to a campaign of vilification and misrepresentation by several pro-GM scientific bodies and pro-GM lobbyists, in an attempt to discredit him and his research.

    The story began three years earlier. That's when the UK government's Scottish Office commissioned a three-year multi-centre research programme into the safety of GM food under the coordination of Dr Arpad Pusztai. At that time there was not a single publication in a peer-reviewed journal on the safety of GM food.

    Dr Pusztai, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, was an eminent scientist. He was the world's leading expert on the plant proteins known as lectins. He had published three

  • arpad pusztai biography channel
  • Dr Árpád Pusztai

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