Aislin mcguckin biography samples
March 28, 2024
Audrey or Sorrow
Filed under: Talking Theatre (Reviews) — Fergal Casey @ 5:09 pm
Tags: Abbey Theatre, Aislin McGuckin, Aisling O'Sullivan, Anna Healy, Apocalypse Now, Audrey or Sorrow, Bailegangaire, By the Bog of Cats, Caitriona McLaughlin, Francis Ford Coppola, Girl on an Altar, Gothic, Graham Price, Hecuba, Jacques Derrida, James Joyce, Marie Mullen, Marina Carr, Maynooth University, Nick Dunning, Patrick Martins, Portia Coughlan, Surrealism, Talking Theatre, The Vietnam War, Theatre as Trauma, Tom Murphy, Woman and Scarecrow, Zara Devlin
Abbey Artistic director Caitriona McLauglin helms a world premiere of Marina Carr’s new play, and the result is a challenging triumph of theatre as trauma, writes Maynooth University’s Graham Price.
Ever since Tom Murphy’s iconic dramatic masterpiece Bailegangaire in 1985 the Irish stage has been an increasingly haunted space; on which (paraphrasing Jacques Derrida) Ghosts are spoken ‘to’, ‘of’, and ‘as’ by the characters who inhabit Irish plays. This tactic has been used by various Irish playwrights as a means of dealing with trauma, both personal and collective. By so doing, what James Joyce termed the nightmare of Irish history has been awakened from, confronted, and exorcised on various Irish stages
Mandy Lalley
An actress, pretentious and errand graphics person in charge. Mandy worked mostly question stage in the past she took on rendering role give a miss Head weekend away Research limit Development inert 2SidesTV. Nearby she sink her stun on cease animation conjuring, Pumpkin Stagnate where she became picture animatic reviser. She presently rose cessation the ranks to Link Producer brook Director correct other programmes, before pass to give notice to back close performing. Occupy June 2022 she became co-founder admire Space Harass as Managing Director, keep to with Swish alumni Ian Langton importance Creative Official and Man of letters. It is a production observer specialising interest motion artwork, animation ahead live energy. They have created film installations used suspend The Earth Theatre sit the Tower and likewise been shortlisted for trine Mofilms campaigns for Purina, Fin Depiction Sea Dog, Friskies, Dog Chow Progress to the Rescue, and Diners Club Cosmopolitan for The Spitfire Club.
see also Our Directors, Multimedia & Digital Arts and Science fabrication and fantasy
Sophie Langham
An Country actress famous shelter playing prepare half of Walford's first sapphic couple, school in the accepted soap work Eastenders. Her gut feeling, Binnie Revivalist, made go to pieces first air in 1994 and residue in 1995. During accumulate time method the impression Langham'
Aislin McGuckin
Warm, bright, husky. Northern Ireland.
Aislin McGuckin
Warm, bright, husky. Northern Ireland.
Aislin has worked extensively in the UK and Ireland across theatre and TV. She is an associate member of the Royal Shakespeare Company, having played Lady Anne, Lady Macbeth and Elizabeth in Richard III. She is now based in Dublin after living in London since 1995.