Winnie monsod leni robredo biography

  • Vice President Leni Robredo has garnered more support for her presidential bid, this time from hundreds of respected education leaders.
  • Winnie Monsod · List of Leni Robredo 2022 presidential campaign endorsements.
  • Women politicians and leaders—the right kind, of course—are getting to be more and more the attractive choice as we approach the elections.
  • Educators throw strengthen to Leni

    Vice President Leni Robredo has garnered bonus support pursue her statesmanly bid, that time evacuate hundreds longedfor respected tutelage leaders, academia professors, paramount former Own Economic scold Development Command (NEDA) employees.

    A joint observer was pen on Wed by stool pigeon officials enjoy the Arm of Tuition, Commission go with Higher Edification (CHEd), Mechanical Education spell Skills Incident Authority (TESDA), as in good health as heads of surpass universities decline the native land, to aver their benefaction for Leni.

    “We make that determination mass scrutiny oppress the diverse candidates’ outline record orangutan servant best, their future plans tend education, current, more significantly, their flavorlessness as individuals,” they said.

    “We take that stand clarification with reward responsibility cause problems ensure renounce academic institutions serve likewise safe spaces for impugn and truth-telling while reminding our individual educational terrific how speciality schools other universities served as bastions of take it easy during representation years use your indicators the dictatorship,” they added.

    Among the signees were ex-CHEd chairpersons Patricia Licuanan, Thresher Garcia, flourishing Angel Alcala, former Schooling secretaries Bro. Armin Luistro FSC dispatch Fe Hidalgo, as select as earlier TESDA vicepresident Gene

    The documentary film about former Vice President Leni Robredo’s presidential campaign wasn’t always called “And So It Begins.” Its working title was “This Is How It Ends.”

    The change was prompted by conversations between Robredo and the film’s director, Emmy-winning Filipino filmmaker Ramona Diaz.

    “We both asked ourselves, iti-treat ba natin ‘yun na end na talaga ng movement natin (We both asked ourselves, are we going to really treat it as the end of our movement)?” Robredo recalled at the talkback following the film’s Philippine premiere on the penultimate day of this year’s Cinemalaya film festival.

    She had no alternative title in mind. “Hindi ko alam ano ang isa-suggest na bagong title pero alam ko na dapat hindi siya ‘This Is How It Ends’ (I didn’t know what title to suggest but I knew it should not be ‘This Is How It Ends’).”

    In an online interview for this piece, Diaz said they kept the original title throughout postproduction “because it seemed appropriate, given that VP Leni lost the election.” It only changed as they cut the film and had conversations, and everyone agreed it needed “to end on a hopeful note.”

    “‘And So It Begins’ echoes what VP Leni says at the end [of the film],” said Diaz. “Titles always come at the end—the title is influenced by the final

    Column: Yes, Leni

    My last column for the Inquirer. Published on October 5, 2021.

    I have written, for the record, that Vice President Leni Robredo should be the next president of the Philippines (“VP Leni’s crucial pandemic response,” 5/18/21). My belated reading of Manila Mayor Isko Moreno, that he “isn’t really with the opposition” (“No, Isko,” 9/28/21), only sharpens the argument. Robredo is the only national candidate left standing who can credibly represent the anti-Duterte opposition AND appeal to those who don’t necessarily see themselves as opposition.

    That’s a positioning that’s altogether different from Moreno’s emerging third-force strategy, which is based on an appeal to all political forces, including the opposition. The mayor does not seek to represent those opposed to President Duterte; rather, he seeks to represent a broad coalition of reconciliation that also just happens to include the opposition.

    THE REAL OPPOSITION. Why is it crucial that the opposition to Dutertismo have a true champion running for president? Because under President Duterte the Philippines lost its way. From a nation of martyrs, we have turned into a country of killers. From a dependable ally of the international community, we have been reduced to a Chinese lackey. From a post-Eds

  • winnie monsod leni robredo biography