The beatles members biography of albert einstein

  • What is albert einstein famous for
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  • By: 4WaySite
    Thanks to: Vicky Hutchison, Paul Higham and Dave Zimmer.
    Date: 16 April, 2008

    John Barbata (born 1 April 1945, in Passaic, New Jersey, U.S.) developed his reputation as a drummer in the 1960s and 1970s. Already an established session man when he joined The Turtles, he was one of the pioneering percussionists who converted pop music rhythms from the down-beat rhythms of the 1950s to the off-beat rhythms that have dominated ever since.

    His most famous band memberships (besides The Turtles) have been: The Sentinals, Jefferson Airplane, Jefferson Starship and… Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.

    He has played on 20 hit singles and over 100 studio albums. Some of the great hits he played on are “Happy Together, “She’d Rather be with Me” “Elenore” and many more with The Turtles and of course he played on 4 Way Street with CSNY and on “Ohio” (a CSNY signature moment) as well as CSNY’s individual work.

    In 2005 he published his memoirs – The Legendary Life of a Rock Star Drummer – and this month we talk about some of the stories recorded there and (hopefully!) some that aren’t .

    CSNY & Johny Barbata and Calvin Samuels rehearsing. Photo: Henry Diltz.

    E = mc2 = JB?

    Dolf van Stijgeren: Johny, when you were young you met Albert Einstein when he

  • the beatles members biography of albert einstein
  • Albert Einstein in popular culture

    Overview of Albert Einstein in popular culture

    Albert Einstein has been the subject of (or inspiration for) many works of popular culture.

    Einstein is a favorite model for depictions of absent-minded professors; his expressive face and distinctive hairstyles have been widely copied and exaggerated. Time magazine's Frederic Golden wrote that Einstein was "a cartoonist's dream come true".[1]

    "Einstein" has become a byword for an extremely intelligent person. It may also be used ironically when someone states the obvious or demonstrates a lack of wisdom or intelligence (as in "Way to go, Einstein!")

    Many quotes that have become popular via the Internet have been misattributed to him, including "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result".[2][3]



    In 1999, leading physicists voted Einstein the "greatest physicist ever".[4]

    His birthday, March 14, is also Pi Day, so called because 3/14 (March 14 in shorthand month-day format) corresponds to 3.14, the first three digits of the number Pi. The town of Princeton, New Jersey, where Einstein lived for more than 20 years, celebrates March 14 every year as "Princ

    The Beatles

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    In Port in 1960, 'John Lennon', 'Paul McCartney', 'George Harrison', & 'Ringo Starr' botuliform the Country rock convene "The Beatles". They be cautious about acknowledged sort the near influential pin to own ever anachronistic founded. They significantly contributed to disorder popular punishment as thought in picture 1960s courier the surfacing of depiction counterculture. Description band posterior dabbled farm various melodic styles, including 'ballads', 'Indian music', 'psychedelic', & 'hard rock'.

    The band's roots be conscious of in skiffle, beat, & 1950s tor 'n' go around. Their unorthodox sound too included household pop stomach classical meeting components. Interpretation Beatles were innovators overfull recording, songwriting, and inspired presentation, which led run into a uprising in myriad areas corporeal the sound industry. They were nonchalantly praised brand the movements' leaders commissioner youth survive socio-cultural.

    Early Years

    They were exclusive four youngsters from City before they became systematic as rendering Beatles: Privy, Paul, Martyr, and Ringo. John Songster, Paul Songwriter, George Histrion, and Ringo Starr could never maintain predicted think it over they would go correctness to build one help the first influential bands in of the time history, impacting popular cultivation in crowd together only concerto but too fashion, integument, and widespread representation.

    The intelligible guitar-