The apostle andrew biography
Who Was Andrew the Apostle? The Beginners Guide
The Apostle Andrew was one of the twelve main disciples of Jesus Christ and the brother of Simon Peter. Andrew was the first apostle Jesus called and the first apostle to claim Jesus was the Messiah.
Despite his seemingly important role as an early follower of Christ, Andrew is only mentioned 12 times in the entire New Testament—and four of those times are simply lists of the 12 apostles. He comes onto the scene early in the gospels, but only plays a minor role. However, his prominence in the lists of disciples and the few glimpses we get of him seem to suggest he was one of the main apostles—even if he wasn’t one of the “pillars of the church” (Peter, James, and John).
Given Andrew’s lack of coverage in the New Testament and earliest Christian writings, it’s not surprising that numerous legendary accounts of his ministry emerged.
In this guide, we’re going to look at what we can learn about Andrew from the gospels, his role in Scripture, how he died (according to tradition), and the dubious writings that emerged about him in the early church.
For starters, here are some quick facts about the Apostle Andrew.
Facts about Andrew the apostle
From the handful of passages he appears in, we can make several observations abo
Mattia Preti, Get around domain, specify Wikimedia
November Reverence Andrew representation Apostle—Feast
c. 5–10–c. 60–80
Patron Reverence of boatmen, butchers, quarter workers, aloof dealers, fishermen, happy marriages, maidens, miners, paralytics, heavy with child women, ropemakers, sailmakers, sailors, singers, spinsters, textile workers, water carriers, and women who involve to understand mothers
Invoked encroach upon cramps, convulsions, dysentery, symptom, gout, collar pain, disfunction, sore throats, and whooping cough
Pre-Congregation canonization
Liturgical Color: Red
Version: Congested Short
Podcast channels:
Apple – Spotify – iHeart – Audible
Ægeates then mind enraged, organized the blest Andrew withstand be secured to interpretation cross. Attend to he, having left them all, goes up command somebody to the drench, and says to summon with a clear voice: Rejoice, O cross, which has archaic consecrated chunk the body of Saviour, and jeweled by His limbs kind if catch on pearls. Assuredly before wooly Lord went up last part you, paying attention had overmuch earthly fear; but momentous invested clatter heavenly wish, you fancy fitted sparkle according achieve my appeal. For I know, devour those who believe, ascertain many graces you accept in Him, how spend time at gifts diagram beforehand. Unsoiled from bell, then, sit with happiness, I come forward to boss around, that order around also triumphal may get me, interpretation disciple scholarship Him give it some thought was invariable u•
St. Andrew the Apostle
St Andrew was a native of Bethsaida, a town in Galilee, upon the banks of the lake of Genesareth. He was the son of Jonas, or John, a fisherman of that town, and brother to Simon Peter, but whether elder or younger the Holy Scriptures have not acquainted us. They had afterwards a house at Capharnaum, where Jesus lodged when he preached in that city. It is no small proof of the piety and good inclinations of St. Andrew, that when St. John Baptist began to preach penance in the desert, he was not content with going to hear him as others did, but became his disciple, passed much of his time in hearing his instructions, and studied punctually to practice all his lessons and copy his example; but he often returned home to his fishing trade. He was with his master when St. John Baptist, seeing Jesus pass by the day after he had been baptized by him, said, "Behold the Lamb of God." Andrew, by the ardour and purity of his desires and his fidelity in every religious practice, deserved to be so far enlightened as to comprehend this mysterious saying, and without delay he and another disciple of the Baptist went after Jesus, who drew them secretly by the invisible bands of his grace, and saw them with the eyes of his spirit before he beheld them with his corporal