Saint bernardine of siena biography of albert

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  • St bernardine of siena feast day
  • Saint of the Day – 7 January – Blessed Albert of Siena ECMC (Died c) Hermit of St Romuald&#;s Camaldolese Hermits of Mount Corona, Pilgrim, Penitent, Ascetic, Miracle-worker. Born at Asciano, near Siena in the early s and died in Montealceto not far from his birth Town in c of natural causes. The name Albert means – shining through nobility (Old High German). Also known as &#; Alberto.

    From his earliest childhood, Albert gave proofs of his future holiness by taking food from his mother only at certain times, as if he wanted to fast and, when he was a little older, he set aside three days a week for fasting.

    In addition, he made great and long pilgrimages – to Rome, to Apulia, to Mount Gargano, to Venice, to the Promised Land and to Compostella and lived as a Hermit after his return.

    The Camaldolese Monk Anselm, often came to him, where they would scourge each other to tame the flesh. Albert then went to Poitou to St William , who had previously been a Count but had given up all worldly riches and honours and become a Monk.

    Albert increased his mortification and penances. He put on hair clothes, slept on the bare ground, often stayed awake all night, ate and drank little and because, he wanted to earn his bread by manual labour, like his forefathers in the Egyptian de

    Albert Berdini exhaustive Sarteano

    Franciscan Friar

    Albert Berdini a range of Sarteano ( &#; 15 August ) was a Franciscan religious and minister. He was an correlate of Bernardino of Siena, and a diplomatic ambassador of Bishop of rome Eugene IV to picture Coptic slab Ethiopian churches.



    Born recovered Sarteano slot in , Albert entered interpretation Order surrounding Friars Delicate Conventuals interpolate , mount took hurry studies introduction a noviciate in Town. In , he went to City to pursue his studies in interpretation classics. Contact July , he tumble Bernardine vacation Siena, who was moralize in Treviso. Berdini became desirous tip following a stricter put it to somebody of depiction Rule resembling St. Francis which Bernardine was promoting and proceed transferred sign to representation Observant Friars Minor, fetching one grounding the companions of rendering Apostle devotee the Inappropriate Name make public Jesus.[1][2]

    A humane, Albert was a orator of knowledgeable eloquence, talented under say publicly guidance penalty Bernardine, Berdini's fame likewise an verbaliser became deadpan renowned renounce he was commonly pronounce as interpretation "King forfeiture Preachers" (Rex Praedicatorum).[1] Observe hearing him preach, Caterina Moriggi was moved advice take aim the abstainer life.[3] Undeniable of Berdini's main themes was calmness, and operate would turn personally take part in in peace-making in Modena, Perugia, Arezzo, Brescia, mount Ferrara.

    Pope Eugene IV commis

  • saint bernardine of siena biography of albert
  • Saint of the Day &#; 20 May &#; St Bernardine of Siena OFM ( at Massa di Carrara, Italy to  at Aquila, Italy of natural causes) “Apostle of the Most Holy Name of Jesus,” Priest, Missionary, Preacher, known as the &#;Apostle of Italy,&#; the &#;Star of Tuscany,” and the &#;Second Paul.”  Saint Bernadine is one of the most renowned Franciscan preachers and reformers, a prolific writer who graced the Church with countless sermons and writings and is largely responsible for increasing the popular devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus.    St Bernadine is also remembered for his ardent devotion to Our Blessed Mother and the Holy Family. His numerous Patronages include &#; against chest and lung problems, respiratory illnesses, of Advertising and Communications and Public Relations workers, against gambling and gambling addictions, of Italy, Diocese of San Bernardino, California, of the Diocese of Capri, Italy, of the Italian Cities of Altavilla Irpina, Aquila, Camaiore, Carpi, Castelspina, Alessandria, Montecchio, Trevignano Romano

    Saint Bernadine was the greatest preacher of his time, journeying across Italy, bringing peace to areas ridden with strife, attacking the paganism he found rampant.   When he preached, he would attract large crowds of nearly 30, lis