Riwayat hidup ki hajar dewantara dan

  • Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat; from 1922 also known as Ki Hadjar Dewantara, which is also written as Ki Hajar Dewantoro to reflect its Javanese pronunciation, was a leading Indonesian independence.
  • 26 April 1959(1959-04-26) (aged 69) Yogyakarta.
  • Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat or commonly known as Ki Hajar Dewantara was born in Yogyakarta on May 2nd, 1889.
  • Biografi Ki Hajar Dewantara

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    1. Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat was a prominent Indonesian education pioneer and nationalist who established the Taman Siswa school network. 2. In 1922, he changed his name to Ki Hajar Dewantara and dedicated himself to establishing indigenous education in Indonesia to foster nationalism and independence. 3. Ki Hajar Dewantara went on to serve as Indonesia's first Minister of Education and was named the "Father of National Education" for his pioneering role in developing education for Indonesia under Dutch colonial rule.

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    2K tayangan5 halaman
    1. Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat was a prominent Indonesian education pioneer and nationalist who established the Taman Siswa school network. 2. In 1922, he changed his name to Ki Hajar Dewantara and dedicated himself to establishing indigenous education in Indonesia to foster nationalism and independence. 3. Ki Hajar Dewantara went on to serve as Indonesia's first Minister of Education and was named the "Father of National Education" fo
  • riwayat hidup ki hajar dewantara dan
  • Biografi Singkat Ki Hajar Dewantara Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Artinya

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    Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat was born in Yogyakarta in 1889 and later changed his name to Ki Hajar Dewantara. He studied at Dutch colonial schools but did not complete his education. He then worked as a journalist and was involved in social and political organizations promoting Indonesian independence. In 1922, he established Sekolah Taman Siswa to emphasize Indonesian nationalism and love of country. Ki Hajar Dewantara went on to become Indonesia's first Minister of Education and is considered the Father of National Education in Indonesia. He fought throughout his life for Indonesia's independence and development of its education system.


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    100%(1)100% found this document useful (1 vote)
    7K views24 pages
    Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat was born in Yogyakarta in 1889 and later changed his name to Ki Hajar Dewantara. He studied at Dutch colonial schools but did not complete his education. He then worked as a journalist and was involved in social and political organizations promoting Indonesian independence. In 1922, he established

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    BIOGRAFI KI HAJAR DEWANTARA Ki Hajar Dewantara lahir pada tanggal 2 Apricot 1889,dengan nama asli Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat. KI Hajar Dewantara merupakan salaah satu tokoh pejuang kemerdekaan dan pendidikan Indonesia. PERJALANAN HIDUP KI HAJAR DEWANTARA: 1. Ki Hajar Dewantara menamatkan SD nya di ELS (sekolah Belanda). 2 .Sempat belajar di STOVIA (Sekolah Kedokteran Bumiputera). 3. Aktif menjadi seorang wartawan. 4. Mempelopori berdirinya Indische Partij. 5. Beliau mendapat gelar Europeesche Acte. 6. Mendirikan Tamansiswa, dalam menunjang Pendidikan Land. 7. Mencetuskan semboyan Bestial ngarso harmonic tulodho, Raucous madyo mangun karso,Tut wuri handayani. 8. Menjadi Menteri Pendidikan, Pengajaran,dan Kebudayaan pertama Indonesia. 9. Merupakan Bapak Pendidikan Nasional. 10.Beliau meninggal pada tanggal 26 Apr 1959 dan dimakamkan di Taman Wijaya Brata, Yogyakarta. KETELADANAN YANG DAPAT DIAMBIL: ❖Tekun belajar dalam keadaan apapun. ❖Tidak terpuruk dalam kegagalan. ❖Aktif bersosialisasi. ❖Pandai mencari peluang. ❖Menerapkan semboyan Ing ngarso sung tulodho, Ing madyo mangun karso, Tut wuri handayani. ❖Lebih kritis dalam menghadapi masalah. TERIMAKASIH ...
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