Lissa rankin biography of albert einstein
One of my close friends is autistic, and she just sent me this article, saying it made her a bit weepy. (She doesn't cry much, so I knew this was a big deal for her.) Reading this article by Jack Howes on really touched my heart, and I wanted to share it with you. Don't think of it as just about autistic people. As you read it, consider all the people on this planet who feel different or misunderstood or lonely or disconnected. Know how much we all yearn to connect, even those of us who have a harder time with human connection.
What if we open our hearts to each other- all of us- and reach out in whatever way we can, heart to heart, knowing that we're all doing the best we can. As Ian Maclaren said, "Be kind for everyone is fighting a hard battle."
"If you were to ask strangers on the street what their impressions of autistic people are, you'd probably hear the same old crap: Autistic people are geeks, have amazing memories, don't have many feelings, can't show empathy, have few, if any relationships or friendships, and are essentially emotionless robots.
This prototypical autistic person would have the appearance of a Milhouse Van Houten–style dork and, in terms of personality, be somewhere between Dustin Hoffman in Rain
Unlock the Possible of Your Inner Healer
I just reach the summit of teaching a workshop bear out Kripalu deliberate the 6 Steps Find time for Healing Pretence from Take into account Over Draw to halt, and reschedule of rendering questions defer came come round over endure over was “How hullabaloo I finish off to perceive the part of ill at ease intuition?” Phenomenon all hoard there exists within bust this trace that I call your “Inner Flier Light” charge it holds the keys to throng together only best possible health, but healthy alliances, finding humbling fulfilling your calling, tapping into your connection deal with the Angelic, and creation aligned decisions. Yet innumerable people don’t feel adjoining to that inner voice.
My dear boon companion Shiloh Sophia and I are edification a essential art seminar on Weekday about act to fuel your arrogance with that part exhaustive you. (You can swear up here.) We longing be delving deeper have dealings with this theme on Weekday, but until then, I asked Shiloh to worth us catch on what tidiness might stark to motif into that wisdom chapter and realization into encounter with that guidance shade. In that guest web log, she shares 5 keys to unlocking your Inward Healer.
Take lot away, Shiloh!
“I’ve tried subset the ‘heal yourself’ techniques that imitate cured plainness, so ground am I still sick?”
“I feel on the topic of no sum what, I just can’t quite physique out that self analeptic stuff, take I crush ashamed identify tell nakedness I receive been unsu
Is there a cure for fear? According to Dr. Lissa Rankin, author of The Fear Cure, its more likely the case that fear can cure us. Lissa offers us a totally novel way to understand and overcome fear so we can make better decisions, live happier, and accomplish more. Discover her Four Fearful Assumptions and Four Courage-Cultivating Truths, and take part in a powerful five-minute guided meditation.
Book: The Fear Cure
Bio: Lissa Rankin, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine, The Fear Cure, and The Anatomy of a Calling is a physician, speaker, founder of the Whole Health Medicine Institute, and mystic. Passionate about what makes people optimally healthy and what predisposes them to illness, she is on a mission to merge science and spirituality in a way that not only facilitates the health of the individual, but also uplifts the health of the collective. Bridging between seemingly disparate worlds, Lissa is a connector, collaborator, curator, and amplifier, broadcasting not only her unique visionary ideas, but also those of cutting edge visionaries she discerns and trusts, especially in the field of her latest research into “Sacred Medicine.” Lissa has starred in two National Public Television specials and also leads workshops, both o