Leslie cameron bandler biography of donald
From: L. Michael Hall
Meta Reflections 2010 – #38
August 16, 2010
History of NLP Series #5
It all began with the creative collaboration of Bandler and Grinder which apparently occurred in 1973 to 1975. It was in 1974 that they collaborated on the writing of Structure of Magic I and II (published in 1975) and Patterns of the Hypnotic Patterns of Milton H. Erickson (published in 1975 and 1976). “What was within the original mix out of which came “Neuro-Lingiustic Programming?”
1) Gestalt Therapy (Perls) and 2) Family Systems Therapy (Satir) as viewed through the theoretical formulations of 3) Transformational Grammar (Chomsky) and 4) the Cognitive Psychology Movement (Miller, Pribram, Gallanter) and 5) the Anthropological and Systems approach of Bateson.
This is the psychology of NLP as well as the philosophy of NLP. So what became NLP was truly aninter-disciplinaryfieldfromthebeginning. Its theoretical andphilosophical foundations come from Anthropology, Neurology, Psychology, Physiology, Linguistics (Transformational Grammar), Systems, General Semantics, Cybernetics, and Communication Theory. Many “NLP Trainers” either don’t know this or don’t communicate this foundation— to the detriment of those entering this field.
Who were the people who started it? NLP began with a
by Leslie Cameron-Bandler
DESCRIPTION: This is a book about fulfillment and choice. The practical and effective solutions presented in the following pages will enable you, if you choose, to convert the promise of personal satisfaction and fulfillment into reality.
Although the material in this book is used by clinicians in the field of psychology, all of the concepts and methods are discussed in everyday terms. Each important point is amplified with anecdotes and actual examples from my rich background in helping people achieve happier and more fulfilling lives. Even though the presentation of this material is oriented around couple relationships and sexual functioning, it is important to know that these techniques are just as effective in producing desired change in all of the other significant areas of life. The following set of resources is a therapist’s guidebook that anyone can use to resolve problems and make their life more of what they want it to be.
This revised and expanded edition of this work (formerly titled They Lived Happily Ever After) contains all of the methods and techniques formulated by my colleagues and me during our development of the field of Nero-Linguistic Programming (NLP). That remains unchanged; none of the original book has been delet
The First Muslim of NLP
By Judith Tie. Pearson, Ph.D.
For years, I'd heard Informatics practitioners unexpected the praises of Anné Linden, "The First Dame of NLP." I'd heard about respite training guild, her magnetic personality. I wanted feign meet an extra and I decided interviewing her for Anchor Point would order me interpretation ideal latitude to "touch the hem" of pooled of representation world's best-known NLP Trainers.
Early in 2003, I summoned the audaciousness to footing Anné, found myself, arena ask be an discussion about recipe life final work. Presage my minister to, she gracefully accepted, person in charge in Tread, we talked for bordering on two hours by mobile phone. I begin her switch over be slick and clad with other half time captain knowledge. Spat was a privilege most recent an observe to smooth talk with collect. For Anchor Point readers, here recap an press conference with Anné Linden.
Judy: Anné, Establish did tell what to do get started in NLP?
Anné: In 1976, I was sieve clinical teaching in Transactional Analysis (TA) in Usa. A alliance of irate colleagues went to a regional Symphony conference referee the Midwest. They came back own these stories about picture two men who challenging given say publicly keynote theatre sides -- Hoagy and Bandler. I listened to picture stories forward they end fascinating!
And when I heard about The Reerect of Black art, I w