Josef hoflehner biography
Biographical Information
Selected Alone Exhibitions
Josef Hoflehner Austrian, b.
Eat, Mojave Desert, California,
Shimabara Bay, Japan,
Private Property, Snowscapes, Austria,
Black Beach - Iceland,
Everglades Burning, Florida
Jet Airliner, n, , no
Liquid Wall, Iceland
Manhattan Before Dawn, New York City,
Paradise Drive, Hawaii
Study Havana, Cuba,
Salt Pan, California,
Secluded, Iceland,
South China Sea, China,
Desert, Tucson, Arizona,
American Landscape,
Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii,
Beach Soccer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Josef Hoflehner was born in in Wels, Austria when the country was still under allied occupation. He grew up in a family where the camera was used so rarely that as many as three Christmas holidays would be captured on one roll of film. Although Austria could boast awesome mountains and a great natural landscape, it had no coastlines, deserts or empty spaces where one could see the horizon unimpaired. At the age of 20 Hoflehner purchased a camera and began to travel. An early award for photography began to open doors professionally and his career has continued to develop with amazing success. In he was voted Nature Photographer of the Year, and named one of "Austria's 10 best Contemporary Artists" in His works are regularly exhibi
Josef Hoflehner
Waiting for the Sun
By Josef Hoflehner, Jakob Hoflehner
Publisher : Publisher : Most Press
| 72 pages
Waiting for the Sun the artists' first full-color book, is a dedication to the golden era of the American automobile industry. The s and 70s arguably saw some of the best-designed cars to ever leave a manufacturing plant. Once seen bumper-to-bumper throughout the country, these automobiles are a rare sight on U.S. roads today.
Over the past five years, we have driven across America, from coast to coast, along miles of highway and through countless neighborhoods, searching for vintage automobiles. Whether covered in snow during a winter Nebraska night, or shining in the sun of the Nevada desert, to us, these cars perfectly fit the American landscape.' - from the introduction by Jakob Hoflehner. The Hollywood-movie-like, but completely unstaged, photographs immediately take us back some 30 or 40 years in time, as the photographers were very selective and made great efforts to avoid most modern amenities and surroundings in their works.
Bound in yellow vinyl, Waiting for the Sun is published in a limited edition of oversized hardcover copies.