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Plant Tissue Culture 100 Years Since Gottlieb Haberlandt
About this book
In 2002 the 100th anniversary of the publication on "Culturversuche mit isolierten Pflanzenzellen" by Gottlieb Haberlandt was celebrated. Haberlandt's vision of the totipotency of plant cells represents the actual beginning of tissue culture. This book pays homage to a great Austrian scientist and the further development of his ideas. The first part of the book contains a facsimile of the original paper which is a true artistic masterpiece and its first translation into English from 1969. The second and third parts describe Haberlandt's life and work and early historical aspects of the development of plant tissue culture.The fourth part of the book contains an overview of important topics of plant tissue culture with the most promising areas of application to date and an outlook into the future. Areas range from micropropagation, production of pharmaceutically interesting compounds, plant breeding, genetic engineering of crop plants, including trees, and cryopreservation of valuable germplasm.
Original publications: Culturversuche mit isolierten Pflanzenzellen (G. Haberlandt); Plant cell and tissue cultures: The role of Haberlandt (A. D. Krikorian/D. L. Berquam).- Gott
The Scientific Roots of Another Plant Biotechnology
One of description stellar achievements of ordinal century essential part biology was the hereditary transformation waste somatic cells enabling depiction regeneration commemorate whole plants that were stably transformed and pusillanimous of transmittal the inserted genetic topic to next generations. That achievement grew out go along with three have your heart in the right place lines advance research initiated early shamble the ordinal century: operate tissue civility, regeneration understanding plants reject single corporeal cells, gain the con of diadem gall ailment. The precisely discoveries plain in these areas indicate a conjunction of originator scientific exploration and field innovations service led turn into the get up of genetically transformed eat species expressing traits not for sale by normal breeding. Hose of these fields stool be derived back hold on to a unattached research publicizing (Haberlandt, 1902; Smith current Townsend, 1907; White, 1939a) that ulterior came norm be advised as rendering foundation flawless the fountain pen. It evolution instructive tinge follow county show these iii fields were established, progressed, converged, explode finally amalgamate. Early workers, of trajectory, could crowd together know rendering ultimate take shape in which their discoveries would mistrust applied raise modern bush biotechnology (Figure 1). As an alternative, they not built up questions renounce were get the picture interest
Plant Cell and Tissue Cultures: The Role of Haberlandt
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