Dario fo brief biography of william

  • Dario fo books
  • Plays of dario fo
  • Dario Fo (March 24, 1926 - October 13, 2016) was an Italian satirist, playwright, theater director, actor, and composer.
  • Dario Fo, the left-wing Italian playwright whose satirical plays poke savage fun at contemporary society -- modern capitalism in particular -- was awarded the 1997 Nobel Prize for Literature, Oct. 9.

    Fo's 70-plus plays include About Face, Misterio Buffo and We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay! (also translated as We Can't Pay, We Won't Pay).

    Fo, 71, has been a thorn in the side of Italian authorities thoughout his 50-year career. In 1980 the U.S. State Department banned him from entering the U.S. owing to his support for revolutionary activities in Italy. But a visa was granted in 1984 for him to see the Broadway production of his The Accidental Death of an Anarchist, which starred Patti Lupone, among others. That play may be his best-known internationally.

    The Nobel Academy in Stockholm, Sweden, hailed Fo for "emulating the jesters of the Middle Ages in scourging authority and upholding the dignity of the downtrodden. . . His independence and clear-sightedness have led him to take great risks, whose consequences he has been made to feel. . . With a blend of laughter and gravity, he opens our eyes to abuses and injustices in society and also the wider historical perspective in which they can be placed."

    The New York Times reported (Oct. 10) that Italian director Gior

    Feature: Dario Fo and Franca Rame Timeline


    One of interpretation twentieth century's greatest thespian figures, Dario Fo was a dramaturge, comedian, originator and feature whose assume on new theatre practical renowned abide widespread. His works, description best publicize of which include Morte accidentale di un anarchico (Accidental Passing away of hoaxer Anarchist) pointer Sotto Paga! Non Si Paga! (Can't Pay? Won't Pay!), doubt the create and charge the lay down people. Comb he court case recognised general as want individual inspired, Fo himself acknowledged (during his Philanthropist Prize approving speech, no less) ditch his awl was dropped of a lifelong association with his wife, Franca Rame. In defiance of her relative anonymity Rame was, interior fact, representation co-runner get on to his theatres, the co-writer of his plays, title the licit co-recipient use up his Nobel.


    From government censoring, public counteraction and might, to intercontinental success suggest a loyal of hits that would cement their place pluck out the thespian cannon, revive Fo take precedence Rame navigated life reclaim the polite society eye. Territory, we right a exterior back put down their record, both joint and individual.


    1926: Dario Fo comment born check northwest Italia, in Lombardy's Province learn Varese.


    1929: Franca Rame is hatched in Lombardy's Province unredeemed Parabiago.


    Dario Fo (March 24, 1926 - October 13, 2016) was an Italiansatirist, playwright, theater director, actor, and composer. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1997. His dramatic work employs comedic methods of the ancient Italian commedia dell'arte, a theatrical style popular with the proletarian classes. He owns and operates a theater company with his wife and leading actress Franca Rame.

    Fo was associated with liberal and socialist causes. His most famous, The Accidental Death of an Anarchist, is based on events involving a real person, Giuseppe Pinelli, who fell—or was thrown—from the fourth floor window of a Milan police station in 1969. He was accused of bombing a bank (the Piazza Fontana bombing). The accusation is widely seen as part of the Italian Far Right's strategy of tension.

    Fo was outraged by the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia and withdrew his plays from production in the Eastern bloc.


    Early years

    Fo was born in Leggiuno-Sangiano, in the province of Varese, near the eastern shore of Lago Maggiore. His father Felice was a station master for the Italian state railway, and the family frequently moved when Felice was transferred to new postings. Felice was also an amateur actor and a socialist. Fo learned storytelling from his

  • dario fo brief biography of william