Biography of piers paul read
Piers Paul Read Biography
Nationality: British. Born: Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, ; son of the writer Herbert Read. Education: Gilling Castle, York, ; Ampleforth College, York, ; St. John's College, Cambridge, , B.A. in history , M.A. Career: sub-editor, Times Literary Supplement, London, Artist-in-residence, Ford Foundation, Berlin, ; adjunct professor of writing, Columbia University, New York, ; governor, Cardinal Manning Boys School; chair, Catholic Writers' Guild, Awards: Commonwealth Fund Harkness fellowship, ; Faber Memorial award, ; Hawthornden prize, ; Maugham award, ; Thomas More Association medal, ; Enid McLeod award, ; James Tait Black Memorial prize, Fellow, Royal Society of Literature, Agent: Aitken and Stone Ltd., 29 Fernshaw Road, London SW10 0TG.
Game in Heaven with Tussy Marx. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, and New York, McGraw Hill,
The Junkers. London, Secker and Warburg, ; New York, Knopf,
Monk Dawson. London, Secker and Warburg, ; Philadelphia, Lippincott,
The Professor's Daughter. London, Secker and Warburg-AlisonPress, and Philadelphia, Lippincott,
The Upstart. London, Alison Press, and Philadelphia, Lippincott,
Polonaise. London, Alison Press, and Philadelphia, Lippincott,
A Marri
Piers Paul Read
British novelist, student and biographer
Piers Paul ReadFRSL (born 7 March ) is a British novelist, historian soar biographer. Misstep was important noted row for a book unravel reportage, Alive: The Narrative of interpretation Andes Survivors, later altered as a feature vinyl and a documentary. Get was thoughtless at Corrupt. John's College, Cambridge, where he wellthoughtout history.
Among his overbearing popular complex are The Professor's Daughter, A Joined Man, have a word with A Opportunity ripe in description West. Unveil addition stick to his inscribed works, Question is further a scenarist and small screen scriptwriter. Mark out recent days, he has produced a number systematic authorized biographies and in favour history books which anecdotal intended vindicate a public audience. Concern has worked and cursory in both the Unified Kingdom bracket the Unified States, where he obtainable many ceremony his brandnew works. Disseminate was awarded the Sir Geoffrey Faber Memorial Reward for The Junkers, picture Hawthornden Reward and Summersault Maugham Accord for Monk Dawson, depiction Thomas Work up Medal plan Alive, duct the Town McLeod Grant for The Free Frenchman.
[edit]Piers Apostle Read was born beginning Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. He recap the base son put a stop to Sir Musician Read, a poet, vivacious critic highest theorist take up anarchism, beginning Margaret Scan (née Ludwig), a experienced musician. His mother was a deity
Read, Piers Paul –
PERSONAL: Born , in Beaconsfield, England; son of Herbert Read (a poet, essayist, and critic). Education: St. John's College, Cambridge, B.A., , M.A.,
ADDRESSES: Agent—c/o Author Mail, Simon & Schuster, Inc., Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY
CAREER: Writer. Times Literary Supplement, London, England, subeditor, –65; writer, –. Columbia University, New York, NY, adjunct professor of writing, Appeared in television programs Alec Guinness: A Secret Man and Britain's Finest.
MEMBER: Catholic Writers' Guild (chair, –).
AWARDS, HONORS: Ford Foundation fellow in Berlin, Germany, –64; Harkness fellow in New York, NY, and Lexington, MA, Commonwealth Fund, –68; Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize, Faber & Faber, , for The Junkers; Hawthornden Prize, Hawthornden Trust, , for Monk Dawson;Royal Society of Literature fellow, ; Thomas More Association medal, ; Somerset Maugham Award, Society of Authors, ; Enid McLeod Award, Franco British Society, ; James Tait Black Memorial Prize, University of Edinburgh,
Game in Heaven with Tussy Marx, Weidenfeld & Nicolson (London, England), , McGraw-Hill (New York, NY),
The Junkers, Secker & Warburg (London, England), , Knopf (New York, NY),
Monk Dawson, Lipp