Beate zschaepe wiki
Beate Zschäpe
German far-right extremist
Beate Zschäpe (German:[beˈʔaːtəˈtʃɛːpə];[1][2]néeApel;[3] born 2 January ) is a German far-right extremist and a member of the National Socialist Underground (NSU), a neo-Naziterrorist organization. In July , she was sentenced to life imprisonment for numerous crimes committed in connection with the NSU, including murder and arson.[4]
Early life and education
[edit]Beate Zschäpe's mother was a citizen of East Germany who studied dentistry at UMFBucharest. According to her mother, Zschäpe's father was a Romanian fellow dentistry student. Zschäpe never met him, and she denied being his daughter until his death in [5] Her mother worked in accounts at Zeiss until , when she became (but did not register as) unemployed.[6]
Living in an austere neighborhood of Jena,[7] Zschäpe's relationship with her mother was at best uneasy[8] and she spent much of her time in the care of her grandmother. Her mother married and divorced twice and each time Zschäpe took on the surname of her mother's new partner.[9] During the first 15 years of her life, she moved six times within Jena and its surroundings.[10][11]
A school re
Terrorists on Trial: A Performative Perspective
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Beate Zschäpe
Beate Zschäpe (født Apel2. januar i Jena i Bezirk Gera i DDR) er en tysk høyreekstremist fra det nynazistiske miljø og tidligere medlem av terrorgruppen Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund (NSU).[3]
Zschäpe ble tiltalt for ti mord, to bombeangrep og 15 overfall og ran.[4] Saken ble ført for Oberlandesgericht München, da fem av de straffbare forhold ble begått i Bayern.[5] Den juli ble hun dømt til livsvarig fengsel. Tysklands høyesterett for straffesaker Bundesgerichtshof, meddelte august at Zschäpes anke var forkastet, og at dommen dermed var rettskraftig.[6][7]
[rediger | rediger kilde]- ^Gemeinsame Normdatei, GND-ID , besøkt oktober [Hentet fra Wikidata]
- ^Gemeinsame Normdatei, besøkt desember [Hentet fra Wikidata]
- ^Tysk nynazist tiltalt for innvandrerdrap Aftenposten, besøkt mars
- ^Gericht lässt Anklage gegen Zschäpe zu Süddeutsche Zeitung, nettutgaven, besøkt mars
- ^Verfahren gegen Zschäpe in München? Bayerischer Rundfunk, nettsiden, besøkt mars
- ^Urteil im NSU-Prozess In Süddeutsche Zeitung vom Juli
- ^SPIEGEL, DER. «NSU-Prozess: Urteil gegen Beate Zschäpe ist rechtskräftig». (på tysk). Besøkt august