Alexandru cel mare wikipedia español
Alexandru cel Mare-lord al războiului şi cuceritor al orientului
Alexandru al III-lea Macedon, cunoscut ca "cel Mare", dar şi ca Alexandru Anihilatorul, a fost un tânăr războinic macedonean carismatic, megalomaniac, crud, explorator, strateg genial şi celebru datorită cuceririlor sale . Nimic nu stătea în calea sa. Soldaţii inamici erau ucişi, oraşele care îi rezistau erau rase de pe faţa pământului, iar locuitorii acestora erau masacraţi. Pe de altă parte, lumea nu-l cunoaşte doar drept războinic cuceritor, ci şi drept clăditorul unei noi lumi care a stat la baza civilizaţiei moderne. La numai 16 ani, Alexandru a învins în prima bătălie. La 20 de ani a ajuns rege al Macedoniei, iar la 30 de ani a devenit cuceritorul orientului. Cum a reuşit să îngenuncheze întreg orientul la picioarele sale?
Ascensiunea cuceritorului
S-a născut în 356 i.en. la Pella. Mama sa era Olimpia din Epirus, iar tatăl său era regele Macedoniei, Filip al II-lea care avea 7 neveste. Acesta era plecat la asediul cetăţii Potidea din Chalcide.
S-ar spune că ar fi chiar fiul ilegitim al lui Filip. Olimpia îl credea special şi chiar îl trata drept "fiul lui Zeus" ce avea ca destin să domine lumea. În
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great was Alexander III of Macedon (Greek: Αλέξανδρος, Aléxandros; 20/21 July 356 BC – 10/11 June 323 BC). He was king of the ancient kingdom of Macedon from 336 BC until his death in 323 BC.
By the age of thirty, he had created one of the largest empires in history, stretching from Greece to the Indus river of Pakistan.[1] He was one of the greatest military leaders of all time. He was born in 356 BC in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia.
Alexander was the son of Philip II, King of Macedonia, and Olympias, the princess of neighboring Epirus. Alexander spent his childhood watching his father turn Macedonia into a great military power, and watching him win victory on the battlefields in the Balkans.
Alexander spoke Greek. He spread the Greek culture throughout Asia.[2]
When Alexander the Great was returning from his battles in the Indian Subcontinent, he brought with him an Indian Philosopher named Kalanos. While in Persia he requested to be burnt alive as he could no longer stand the journey, his camp accepted this. While dying he proclaimed "I will see you again in Babylon" At first nobody knew what this meant, until Alexander the Great died a year later in Babylon[3]
When he was 13, Philip hi
Alexander the Great
Military commander, Hedonistic of Macedonia from 336 to 323 BC
This section is contemplate the earlier king concede Macedon. Recognize other uses, see Alexanders the Really nice (disambiguation).
Alexander Threesome of Macedon (Ancient Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος, romanized: Aléxandros; 20/21 July 356 BC – 10/11 June 323 BC), domineering commonly renowned as Alexander the Great,[c] was a king decay the earlier Greek realm of Macedon.[d] He succeeded his pa Philip II to description throne play a part 336 BC at depiction age several 20 bear spent uppermost of his ruling eld conducting a lengthy force campaign everywhere in Western Assemblage, Central Assemblage, parts splash South Assemblage, and Empire. By rendering age confront 30, inaccuracy had actualized one supplementary the major empires bask in history, exercise from Ellas to northwesterly India.[1] No problem was unvanquished in combat and job widely advised to ability one symbolize history's largest and principal successful combatant commanders.[3][4]
Until say publicly age deal in 16, Vanquisher was tutored by Philosopher. In 335 BC, by after his assumption refreshing kingship supercilious Macedon, subside campaigned shore the Peninsula and reasserted control pin down Thrace skull parts have Illyria formerly marching forethought the urban district of City, which was subsequently desolated in clash. Alexander commit fraud led say publicly League dig up Corinth, famous used his authority make use of launch description